PT3: Manual hand import just hangs

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PT3: Manual hand import just hangs

Postby I_Like_Quads » Mon Nov 04, 2013 3:05 am


I am pulling my hair out over this one. I can't import manually or using Auto..
I am playing on William Hill (Ipoker) the hand history is stored as XML in history folder..

I set everything up right as far as I am aware.. and nothing happens, time goes by ..just seems to hang.

I have had this working 2-3 weeks ago on Williams Hill fine, I think there was a software update, this could be a known problem..

Please advise :)
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Re: PT3: Manual hand import just hangs

Postby WhiteRider » Mon Nov 04, 2013 4:14 am

Does the import status list the filenames?

It's possible that you have the wrong folder configured, but if it is correct try moving the existing files out of that folder and then try again (you'll need to play some more hands to generate new files of course). If that works better please compress the files you just moved and attach them to a Support Ticket so that we can find out why they don't import.
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