notetracker for PLO

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notetracker for PLO

Postby themightyjim2k » Mon Dec 16, 2013 5:08 pm

I'm interested in creating some notes to help assess ranges for aggressive actions for my opponent. What I'm wondering is how does PT4 interpret draws (specifically wraps)?

so if I wanted to have notetracker take a note everytime my opponent made x action with y strength hand how would I do that. IE I don't want to know the specific hole cards, I want to know when my opponent x/r'd with a bare-NFD for example. Can I do that? If so is there a similar note definition in the hold'em notes that I could look to for guidance. I really have very little if any programming experience, and while I've always made my own HUDs I feel a little lost when I try to delve into the Notetracker interface.
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Re: notetracker for PLO

Postby kraada » Mon Dec 16, 2013 6:19 pm

You can do that; our draw options for Omaha are incredibly robust. Take a look in the Hand Values -> Straight Draws area for straight draws and Hand Values -> Flush Draws for flush draws. You can combine any of the various configurations together and filter for whatever you want to see.
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Re: notetracker for PLO

Postby themightyjim2k » Tue Dec 17, 2013 1:26 pm

thanks very much for the reply.

I'm probably going to take a go at making a definition tonight. I may post my attempt on here in hopes that someone could kind of be an editor/teacher if I'm lost or screwing something up.

i know that isn't your guys jobs/we didn't pay for that kind of help but if anyone is willing to offer insight as I attempt it I'd be very appreciative.

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Re: notetracker for PLO

Postby kraada » Tue Dec 17, 2013 2:18 pm

Post any questions you have and we'll be happy to help out. I can't really answer strategy points for PLO though as I'm not versed enough in the game to offer meaningful commentary.
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Re: notetracker for PLO

Postby themightyjim2k » Wed Dec 18, 2013 2:44 am

ok I made a couple of sample notes and I have a few questions.

1) to try out something basic I duplicated the note 003 - 3Bet vs Steal Range for HE and made it 090 - 3Bet vs Steal Range for Omaha. However when I do this the result I get does not include suits, since it's giving me a "range" result. Is there a way to insert a variable that includes suits, or more precisely just note the actual hands that were 3bet? While it's good to know that my opponent 3bets AKKT from the blinds, if I see him 3beting rainbow AsKdKcTh that is much different than 3betting double suited AsKsKhTh.

2) I created a note to count every time that someone check raised the river when facing a bet of greater than half pot. the variables that it notes are the board and the hand that was x/r'd. that is obviously of some value because given the time I could read the note and see that my opponent has only x/r'd the river with value hands or that my opponent will bluff in that scenario. However, what would be more valuable is if I could record my opponents SPR at the time of the x/r and their relative hand strength. Is there anyway to create such a note other than making a note for every different type of relative hand strength for a river board as well as for differing SPRs and then simply have NT count when these instances occur?

let me preface this by saying that I think NT is awesome and it's inclusion as a free and customizable addition to PT4 is great. I stuck with PT through the good and sometimes frustrating parts of PT3, and it's stuff like NT that is making my investment in PT4 very valuable. Thanks for your time and help with this software.

now to my issue trying to maximize the utility of NT:
I guess what I'm struggling with is that it seems that note tracker is most useful for counting when an particular event happens, no matter how detailed or specific. But in order to parse that information I essentially need to make a note for all potentially useful iterations, and then in real time I could compare/analyze NT's counts of those instances to try and gain some information.

Obviously what I'd like to do is take a more general set of actions and have note tracker record my opponents range relative to the board as well as their SPR in the hand. However it seems that this might be more easily accomplished by me just running a report for such instances and taking the note myself.
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Re: notetracker for PLO

Postby kraada » Wed Dec 18, 2013 2:53 pm

(1) I will pass along this concern to the development team. Adding suit designations does seem like it would be quite useful.

(2) Not at this time. Better postflop note taking options are something we hope to be able to bring at some point in the future, but I can't say when or exactly how these will work at this time.
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Re: notetracker for PLO

Postby Zito » Thu Dec 19, 2013 11:18 am

kraada wrote:(1) I will pass along this concern to the development team. Adding suit designations does seem like it would be quite useful.

+1 for greater urgency
Just got into NT for PLO and I was gobsmacked by this oversight. (and gobsmacked is not a word I like to use lightly)
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