Heavy lag/system crash using mltiple tables+8 groups

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Heavy lag/system crash using mltiple tables+8 groups

Postby Nagelring » Sun May 18, 2008 7:08 am

Hello PT-Team,

i refer to an older posting, where you said, that after adding cache to HUD should fix the lagging problems.
I run the build 2 Version and tried playing 8-tables on Party using 8 Groups for displaying stats. After starting HUD
the system receives a heavy lag and playing on wasn't possible.
I tried multitabling on Titan Poker and Pokerstars with the same settings and the system had a similar, although weaker lag.

I will try different scenarios with using different numbers of groups on every server to help you fixing that problem,
for now i will use PT2/HUD and at the same time PT3 only for datamining and statistical analysis , which is ironically a fast and stable setup for multitabling.

Maybe i can run 8 Table with one stats-group, but the arrangement for 16 different stats for each player in one big box is getting optical unlear.

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Re: Heavy lag/system crash using mltiple tables+8 groups

Postby prajna » Mon May 19, 2008 1:35 am

The lag is a known issue at this time. It wil be fixed the next build expected at the end of this week.

~ Thomas
[Pokertracker support]
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