Big Postgresql problem Windows 8

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Big Postgresql problem Windows 8

Postby theojd » Tue Dec 31, 2013 8:30 pm

Not sure if this is the best place to post, but desperate so giving it a shot.

I downloaded PT4 to start the free trial today. As the download wrapped up it prompted a download of postgresql. That finished, no problems. PT4 opened, ran, and I imported some hands. While I went looking for where the processed hand histories went I noticed I had no access to my C: drive. I then noticed I had no administrator privileges whatsoever. I had done all this in my non-admin profile. Usually something pops up asking for an admin pw. Now the wheels just spin and nothing happens.

When I switch to my admin user profile, I have even less access to certain things and it won't even let me open the task manager. I have a very tech savvy friend who said hes never seen anything like this....

I know that there is now a created user profile named "postgresql". Is it somehow possible that this has hijacked my admin privileges? And, of course, I have no access to that user profile.

We tried to circumvent by going through Windows 8's equivalent of safe dice.

If anybody here has encountered this before, your advice would be tremendously appreciated as my computer is now an expensive web browser.

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Re: Big Postgresql problem Windows 8

Postby WhiteRider » Wed Jan 01, 2014 5:45 am

That certainly isn't normal behaviour - PostgreSQL is a very well established open source database service with millions of users around the world. The extra "postgres" user is normal.
PT4 does need administrator privileges for full functionality, but installing it using a non-admin user profile doesn't cause problems for anything else - I've never seen anything like reported, and it does sound like something went wrong on your computer if you can't even run properly in safe mode.
Are you able to run system checks such as chkdsk to check the state of your hard disk?
Do you have a Windows restore point to revert to?
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Re: Big Postgresql problem Windows 8

Postby theojd » Wed Jan 01, 2014 3:36 pm

It won't let me run chkdsk without an elevated command prompt, which I cannot access on either my admin profile or the other one. I'm not 100% positive that I have a restore point, but hopefully I do. However, I can't check whether I do or not.
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Re: Big Postgresql problem Windows 8

Postby kraada » Wed Jan 01, 2014 4:01 pm

You should be able to get an elevated command prompt by going to the Start screen typing cmd and right clicking on it and choosing Run as Administartor when it appears on the left hand side. Does that not work for you?
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Re: Big Postgresql problem Windows 8

Postby theojd » Wed Jan 01, 2014 4:23 pm

It doesn't work in either profile. I click run as admin and nothing happens.
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Re: Big Postgresql problem Windows 8

Postby kraada » Thu Jan 02, 2014 9:07 am

Then something is seriously wrong with your Windows installation and you should consider backing everything up and reinstalling Windows.
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Re: Big Postgresql problem Windows 8

Postby theojd » Thu Jan 02, 2014 1:18 pm

Lol, I agree it's pretty grim. I can't even access my large portable hard drive so I've had to backup across several different flash drives/external drives....oy

Gonna have to wipe everything. No idea what happened here.
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Re: Big Postgresql problem Windows 8

Postby esukkf » Tue May 06, 2014 11:37 am

I have the exact same issue since installing Postgres on windows 7 though. I have searched far and wide through forums and found others that have had this problem with postgres however there still is no solution other than wiping the hard disk. Unfortunately I don't have access to my recovery disks as they are at my parents home and I won't get them until the end of the month.

1) If there has been any update on this thread or any way to fix this postgres mess please let me know.
2) Is there any way to get an extension of the Poker Tracker trial (assuming postgres will work) since I used it for barely an hour before all this happened. As you know Poker tracker requires admin privileges to run which I now cannot do anymore..

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Re: Big Postgresql problem Windows 8

Postby kraada » Tue May 06, 2014 12:39 pm

Once you have everything sorted out, create a ticket via our support system and we will gladly extend your trial. There's no point in extending your trial until you've gotten PostgreSQL working though and we'll want to give you the maximum amount of time to try PT4.
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Re: Big Postgresql problem Windows 8

Postby mathiasdk » Fri Jan 30, 2015 10:28 am

I have the exact same issue, I can not acess my C drive, open a comand promt, or even acess my external hdd.

What did you guys end up doing? I have a lot of things on my pc that is not backed up yet, and I would hate to loose some of it when erasing my current windows 8 installation.

(I will obviously not be using PT when the reboot is done, this has been a horrible experience so far.)
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