PT4 noob

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PT4 noob

Postby jsimon101 » Tue Jan 07, 2014 12:13 pm


Just upgraded to PT4 from PT3 -

one - the hud is not syncing to the seat on the table. iow when i did the quick set up I told the set upper thingy that i always sat at seat 5 on a nine handed table. Well the hud comes up and it has my hud and on seat 8 and everybody three seats over? what's wrong?

three - I have a hud profile that i imported from pt3. but the hud comes up on the table as "default" - so I switched to my hud. but it did it for that one table only? how do i do it for ALL tables?

two - i want to see my hands! not the tournaments. The hands - how can I view hands? (example AA - K8s - 23 etc)?
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Re: PT4 noob

Postby kraada » Tue Jan 07, 2014 12:55 pm

(1) What site are you playing at?

(2) In the Statistics section choose the Summary report in the left hand sidebar and set it to group by Starting Hands (Holdem) and you'll see what you want.

(3) Hud -> Edit Hud Options -> Profile Select is where you set what HUD layouts appear by default on what kinds of tables.
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Re: PT4 noob

Postby jsimon101 » Tue Jan 07, 2014 7:13 pm

kraada wrote:(1) What site are you playing at?


I sit at the bottom middle seat on a 9 handed table and that's what I set it for.

now I didnt have a seat preference for an 8 handed table on merge but the tournaments that I play are all 9 handed.

tell me how do i set the seat preference in pt4 (if it's not in the set up assistant)?
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Re: PT4 noob

Postby WhiteRider » Wed Jan 08, 2014 3:53 am

Merge's seat positions are a little odd - the numbers start from the 9 o'clock position, not the top centre, so the bottom center seat at 9-max is actually seat 7. Go to Configure > Sites & Import Options > Site Configuration > Merge to set that.
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Re: PT4 noob

Postby jsimon101 » Thu Jan 09, 2014 5:14 pm

thanks these suggestions helped.

more questions. Anyway to:
1) have hero's stats displayed in the forum copier?
2) any way to copy the notes from note tracker (as in a copy and paste function if I want to provide reads in a forum post).

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Re: PT4 noob

Postby kraada » Thu Jan 09, 2014 5:35 pm

(1) Not at this time.
(2) You could copy the output of the note from the note editor by highlighting it and pressing ctrl+c and that should copy it.
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Re: PT4 noob

Postby jsimon101 » Mon Jan 20, 2014 6:01 pm

I have another question.

Is it possible to review the tournament's by individual tournament in to see the hand numbered in order? That is can I see the hand from start to finish numbered by 1, 2, 3, 4 etcetera? That is not by the hand history number but the ordered number?
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Re: PT4 noob

Postby kraada » Mon Jan 20, 2014 6:40 pm

We don't keep track of tournaments in that way. You can replay hands of the tournament in order -- but we don't have a stat that will count them up for you. To replay the hands from the tournament in order though, go to Overview -> By Tournament and drill down to the tournament you want. Order the hands by date played and then right click the report and choose Replay All Hands in Report.
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Re: PT4 noob

Postby jsimon101 » Tue Jun 24, 2014 4:53 pm

i am looking for the following stats ... have I overlooked them?

total vil vs hero 3b
total vil fold to hero 3bet
bb fold vs steal - from any position
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Joined: Tue May 05, 2009 12:21 am

Re: PT4 noob

Postby jsimon101 » Tue Jun 24, 2014 5:06 pm

also looking for a stat that shows the player's physical stack in $ (or T$) - not just BB.

thanks again.
Posts: 80
Joined: Tue May 05, 2009 12:21 am


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