1/2 pot CB w/ FD, pot sized CB w/ TPTK, etc.

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Re: 1/2 pot CB w/ FD, pot sized CB w/ TPTK, etc.

Postby dutch81 » Mon Feb 10, 2014 6:21 pm

So, I used OR to combine all the diff. Types of hand strength and used AND to combine C-bet flop and flop bet size percentage of pot between 45 and 55 to end up with 2 filters.

How does this look?
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Re: 1/2 pot CB w/ FD, pot sized CB w/ TPTK, etc.

Postby dutch81 » Mon Feb 10, 2014 6:45 pm

I still can't get the filter active... I must be doing something wrong.

The Text to insert as note is "CBs 1/2 PSB {cardrange}" but that has nothing to do with the filter, right?
The player filter is where there is an error, hence the reason I can't set it to active?

"Opponent" is None BTW.
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Re: 1/2 pot CB w/ FD, pot sized CB w/ TPTK, etc.

Postby WhiteRider » Tue Feb 11, 2014 4:36 am

It looks like you still have some ANDs in there. Try starting with a simpler filter and get that working and build up from there. Working with a long expression like that can be tricky.

Check out this tutorial for a quicker way to make a screenshot rather than having to take a photo - that makes much clearer images too.
Alternatively you can use a free applications like "ScreenPresso" to take and even annotate screenshots - it's really useful!
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Re: 1/2 pot CB w/ FD, pot sized CB w/ TPTK, etc.

Postby dutch81 » Tue Feb 11, 2014 11:12 am

I can't even get this simple filter to save, let alone get it active...

I wanted to start simple and add on hand values like you suggested.
I wanted to group flop, turn and river bets together so I don't have to make an insane amount of filters.
Not just C-bets, but all bets.
Once completed, I would make another filter for 55-75% pot sized bets and finally one for 75-100% pot sized bets.

Thank you for the tip on screenshots, it is much easier!
Screen shot 2014-02-11 at 10.04.17 AM.png
Screen shot 2014-02-11 at 9.59.53 AM.png
Can you spot any errors here?
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Re: 1/2 pot CB w/ FD, pot sized CB w/ TPTK, etc.

Postby dutch81 » Tue Feb 11, 2014 12:09 pm

Ok, I got it to save but for some reason the only filters I can add so far are:

Bet flop any flop bet
Flop bet size percentage of pot between 45-55.

I can't add values like High card or 2 pair, it just won't appear.

Thanks again for your patience.

Edit: If I combine flop, turn and river (all types) bets using OR, I can add high card.
However, I can't add anything else like 2 pair. If I try, it will just remain the same.
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Re: 1/2 pot CB w/ FD, pot sized CB w/ TPTK, etc.

Postby dutch81 » Tue Feb 11, 2014 12:18 pm

I was able to a draw and high card range for all streets for 1/2 pot sized bets...

does this look ok?
Screen shot 2014-02-11 at 11.16.48 AM.png
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Re: 1/2 pot CB w/ FD, pot sized CB w/ TPTK, etc.

Postby kraada » Tue Feb 11, 2014 1:19 pm

That's very strange those should definitely add to the list.

Please restart PT4 using the logging enabled link on your Start Menu, reproduce this problem and then report it via our support system with the log file - that will help us figure out what is going on here and get it fixed for you. You can find that file by clicking File --> Show User Data Folder in the main PT4 window - the file we need is the text file called PokerTracker4 that is in that folder.
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Re: 1/2 pot CB w/ FD, pot sized CB w/ TPTK, etc.

Postby dutch81 » Tue Feb 11, 2014 2:00 pm

Restarted my Macbook and it fixed the issue...

How's this?

So if this filter is used with my Draws/High card filter, anytime someone bets 1/2 pot, on any street...
it'll list all hand values whether it's a FD or set.

I plan on eventually making 4 more filters similar to this except it will list 2/3 and pot sized bets for both Draw and High cards and made hands.
Screen shot 2014-02-11 at 12.52.11 PM.png
Screen shot 2014-02-11 at 12.51.29 PM.png
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Re: 1/2 pot CB w/ FD, pot sized CB w/ TPTK, etc.

Postby kraada » Tue Feb 11, 2014 3:50 pm

Betting the flop for a certain bet size implies a flop bet. So your second conjuction is always true trivially (as the flop bet is true) and doesn't add anything.

You do your hand strength filters for any street and I don't think that's what you want -- you want his hand strength on the flop to be so good it's a value bet -- you don't want high card hands where he hits a flush on the river to count (as it now would).
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Re: 1/2 pot CB w/ FD, pot sized CB w/ TPTK, etc.

Postby dutch81 » Tue Feb 11, 2014 5:49 pm

How's this?

Do you have a better filter or idea I could use to somehow gauge hand strength with percent of pot bet on flop on dry/wet boards?

If you think this is ok, I'll duplicate the filter and switch this rainbow board with a wet one.
I plan on also adding different pot percentages for each as well.

Do you think this is a good idea? Can you think of any way to make it better, or more accurate or informative?

Thanks again.
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