How to precisely filter raise, re-raise, and call from BB?

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How to precisely filter raise, re-raise, and call from BB?

Postby whiskyjohn » Sat Feb 15, 2014 10:18 am


I have been playing with the filter rules but I can't quite get them to work precisely with the sequence:
raise, re-raise, call from BB

For this case, I don't want any preflop limpers or callers between the raises. I just want 3 players
in the hand with the BB making a 2Bet call of the re-raise.

For Opponent, I have set:
(NOT(Posted Blind /Ante Posted Any Blind or Ante) AND (Number of Limpers Exactly 0) AND (NOT(Squeeze Opportunity)) AND (Raised Preflop Any 3Bet)

This makes sure the opponent is re-raising only one player with no prior limpers or callers.

The problem is I can't see how to filter Player in BB to remove the case:

raise, re-raise, call, [overcall...] and BB call.

Does the BB have a squeeze opportunity at this point? It appears not. So how do I restrict to only 3 players?

Thanks for any help,
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Re: How to precisely filter raise, re-raise, and call from B

Postby WhiteRider » Sat Feb 15, 2014 12:14 pm

Hmm - that might be tricky. I can't think how to restrict another caller at the moment, but if anything comes to me I'll get back to you.
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Re: How to precisely filter raise, re-raise, and call from B

Postby whiskyjohn » Sat Feb 15, 2014 1:11 pm

WhiteRider wrote:Hmm - that might be tricky. I can't think how to restrict another caller at the moment, but if anything comes to me I'll get back to you.

Ok. Actually I should say in this particular case, I can get the results I want by controlling how many players see the flop.
If there are more than 3, then there must have been callers between the original re-raiser and the BB.

However, there are more general cases where I want to restrict the number of actions BEFORE player acts. For example,
I want a players first action to be a cold call of 2 and only 2 prior actions (a raise first in and a re-raise).

I could again restrict the number of players seeing the flop to 3 (making sure the Player himself sees the flop) but this
filters out all the action behind the player. What's important to me is the card range that the player acts with when it
is his turn to act, and not the action that goes on behind him. I would lose these hands in the analysis.

Anyway, how hard would it be to include something like "Number of Preflop Actions Before Player Acts" into the filters?
This could be obviously expanded even further to actions after player acts, or to the opponent also.

If you think of any other options, please let me know,
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Re: How to precisely filter raise, re-raise, and call from B

Postby kraada » Mon Feb 17, 2014 3:21 pm

That would be very complicated to add. I'm glad to hear you were able to get around your specific issues though in this case.
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Re: How to precisely filter raise, re-raise, and call from B

Postby whiskyjohn » Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:31 am

kraada wrote:That would be very complicated to add. I'm glad to hear you were able to get around your specific issues though in this case.

Sounds like you guys need to hire more developers! ;)

The BB case was probably the most relevant of a "3rd Action Sequence" I want to investigate,
though perhaps I am making a fuss about nothing.

Because of the number of players seated on n a full ring table, all kinds of actions can happen after the a raise,
but the sequence "raise, re-raise, X" is what I am most interested in controlling precisely. If callers and overcallers
are allowed into that sequence, then my feeling is that the results are polluted, though it may not be significant.

If my idea to precisely control actions is too complicated, how about an ability to precisely control the number
of preflop callers, overcallers, raisers, and re-raisers? Ideally, I could set this number at the time Player or
Opponent acted, but even a Hand Detail setting would be useful. You already have this for number of limpers.

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Re: How to precisely filter raise, re-raise, and call from B

Postby kraada » Tue Feb 18, 2014 12:09 pm

Number of limpers is easier to pick out. You can analyze hands by raising level using Hand Details -> Maximum Preflop Raise -- and you'll see that there's surprisingly few of these strange variations. They really come up a lot less than you expect, the human brain just remembers them better.
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Re: How to precisely filter raise, re-raise, and call from B

Postby whiskyjohn » Tue Feb 18, 2014 4:14 pm

kraada wrote:Number of limpers is easier to pick out. You can analyze hands by raising level using Hand Details -> Maximum Preflop Raise -- and you'll see that there's surprisingly few of these strange variations. They really come up a lot less than you expect, the human brain just remembers them better.

Well, as a sequence, "raise, re-raise" does come up often, But I agree many variations that come up after that are rare.

I haven't proven this, but I imagine the most common variation is a call by the BB, which is exactly what my original post
was about. If there are callers between the re-raiser and the BB, then the BB is more likely to call hands that he would
have folded, and perhaps even call hands he would have capped out of position in a 3-way pot. Now I took care of that
specific case with filtering the number of players to see the flop.

But I imagine the next most common variation is a call or cap by someone in late position, with no callers in between.
And here is exactly the problem I want to solve. A loose/weak player might just call on the button, but all aggressive
players will likely cap on the button. Knowing these ratios and hand ranges is useful information. Note that what the
blinds do in this case is not important to me. It is the button range I am in interested in. But I can't restrict the number
of players seeing the flop because the blinds could come in now, and perhaps the first raiser folds to a cap.

I don't plan to make filters for uncommon sequences, but I would like to filter the uncommon sequences out of the
most common "raise, re-raise, X" scenarios. For this I need to get rid of those in-between callers and overcallers.

All the information is there in the hand, there's just no way to count it!

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Re: How to precisely filter raise, re-raise, and call from B

Postby kraada » Tue Feb 18, 2014 5:16 pm

I think you can get at these using Filter Expressions, but not using the existing simple filters filterset (aka you can do it in My Reports but not in NT).
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