stats move left when I increase table size

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stats move left when I increase table size

Postby feint06 » Sun May 18, 2008 7:51 am

Not really a significant bug, but worth noting. When I have 4 tables taking up each corner of the screen, the stats are all in the correct place. As tournaments finish, I sometimes increase the size of the remaining tables -- when I do, the stats (and PT3 icon) all move to the left (seems to be they move the same amount as I increase the width of the window).
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Re: stats move left when I increase table size

Postby Josh » Sun May 18, 2008 12:05 pm

Can you post a screenshot?
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Re: stats move left when I increase table size

Postby feint06 » Sun May 18, 2008 10:23 pm

Stats in correct position for resized (smaller) table:


Stats seem to be defined by their position from the left edge, because when I increase the size of the table back to original, everything moves left:

Can't post screenshot directly, picture is bigger than 800x600. Click HERE
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