888 hud on mac pt3

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888 hud on mac pt3

Postby khanrava » Sun Mar 02, 2014 11:03 am

Hey, I'm running 888 in a virtual machine saving hh's through virtualbox and I want to import those hhs with my mac's PT3. I don't see 888 in the site list, and clicking "show hidden sites" does nothing. Is the button broken or is it only showing me 6 sites since no others are supported on the mac?
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Re: 888 hud on mac pt3

Postby WhiteRider » Sun Mar 02, 2014 11:22 am

That's right - it only shows you the sites which are supported on Mac. (888 is supported in PT4 on Mac.)
You can still import the hands on your Mac, though, using Manual Import.
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