Inconsistencies between PT2 and PT3 after transfer

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Inconsistencies between PT2 and PT3 after transfer

Postby Galaxy » Mon Jan 28, 2008 4:56 pm

I migrated my data from PT2 to PT3 in 2 different ways.
1.) I converted the access data base to a SQL database and imported this into PT3.
2.) I exported all data from PT3 into files and imported them into PT3.
For both ways I used seperat new databases in PT3.
Following inconsistencies/errors occured:
a.) The number, the description of the limits and the number of hands per limit which I played and are shown in PT2 differ from what is shown in PT3
In PT2 it shows (level - # played hands):
$5/$10 (6max) - 3502
$5/$10 - 22776
$3/$6 - 4881
$3/$6 (6max) - 23954
NL$200 - 35
NL$200 (6max) - 17
NL$100 - 96
NL$100 (6max) - 152

In PT3 it is (level - # when importing via SQL DB (# when importing via exported files))
$5/$10 - 23591 (23790)
$3/$6 - 27406 (27578)
$2NL - 82 (82)
$1NL - 248 (248)
$2/$ ????? - In players summary I get the error already described by other players, in player statistics is shows 147 hands
$3/$ ????? - In players summary I get the error already described by other players, in player statistics is shows 1318 hands
$5/$ ????? - In players summary I get the error already described by other players, in player statistics is shows 3620 hands

Obviosly the (6max) typs are not in PT3. The last 3 types I do not understand.

During export the data to files from PT2 I got several error messages (unexpected end of file ....). When importing these files to PT3 no errors and no dublicates occur.
When importing the files from the SQL database to PT3 several thousand dublicates where detected and a few hundred errors (unexpected end of file).
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Joined: Mon Jan 28, 2008 4:22 pm

Re: Inconsistencies between PT2 and PT3 after transfer

Postby Josh » Mon Jan 28, 2008 5:51 pm

Some of these may be resolved in the next release. Please re-test this once it's released.
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