HUD stopped working normally - font size

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HUD stopped working normally - font size

Postby JH12345 » Sun May 18, 2008 4:37 pm

Not sure what happened but my HUD is now displaying tiny fonts that I cannot read. It was working fine this morning. When I go to configure HUD (cash) the font size is set to 39636585


I have tried resizing tables and everything but nothing works so that they are the correct size automatically.
The pop up stats are also tiny.
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Re: HUD stopped working normally - font size

Postby JH12345 » Sun May 18, 2008 5:14 pm

Uninstalled PT3 and was going to reinstall to see if I could get back to default settings. Now Postgres is not working at all and I can't open PT3. Sigh. Very frustrated. I didn't even turn off PT3 between sessions about 3 hours apart. I don't see how anything could have changed.

Edit: figured out how to get Postgres working again, and I'm starting a new database.
The HUD fonts are set to: 8; Default; Tahoma; Normal; Normal; True
which I believe are the default installation settings.
Mine had been changed to: 39636585; Default; Swiss; Italics; Bold; True
so I'm assuming that this should fix the original problem. I would just hate to have to start a new database every time this happened.
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Re: HUD stopped working normally - font size

Postby YudiKorsow » Sun May 18, 2008 6:32 pm

I have the EXACT same problem, for almost 2 weeks now... with font sizes as you described etc.
Josh FYI, my ticket number on this is 8333.

So, I should make a new databse and import all hands from the old one, and font plus size of stat boxes go back to normal ?
Have you tried manually editing the font settings? (thanks to you I now know what they should be)
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Re: HUD stopped working normally - font size

Postby JH12345 » Sun May 18, 2008 6:58 pm

Yes you can edit them manually, it's just a pain to do it for 20-30+ stats or whatever you have. I only have 8 on my HUD, but I've got about 25 in my pop up. Probably easiest just to copy and paste the original settings into each one if you don't feel like doing the reinstall and new database thing plus setting up your HUD all over again if you do color coding and that stuff.
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Re: HUD stopped working normally - font size

Postby YudiKorsow » Mon May 19, 2008 3:34 pm

I fixed it via the manual changes route. I never got a chance to set up the HUD initially, so no lost work there. Next up is exploring the options it gives, configure the popup, colors etc.

Thanks for supplying the default font values, allowing me to fix this vexing problem.
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Re: HUD stopped working normally - font size

Postby MIStrZZZ » Tue May 20, 2008 3:49 pm

I had exactly the same problem, but I uninstalled PT and after reinstallation everythings is correct, but if I try to change anything in HUD configuration - the problem is back, so without making any changes everything works perfectly
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Re: HUD stopped working normally - font size

Postby WhiteRider » Wed May 21, 2008 10:27 am

Please re-install PT3 (again, sorry!) then reproduce the problem and submit your PokerTracker.log to the Support system and link to this thread so we can work out what is going on.
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