HUD over my players $$$$

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HUD over my players $$$$

Postby SeRvE_VolleY » Tue May 20, 2008 10:43 pm

downloaded and paid for PT3, everything works fine except my hud for me (on partypoker) is over my dollar amount....everyone else is aligned perfectly except there something to fix this.....also how do you add to your hud....tried to add some more stats to it but it didnt show up.

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Re: HUD over my players $$$$

Postby SoreNuts » Wed May 21, 2008 12:37 am

SeRvE_VolleY wrote:downloaded and paid for PT3, everything works fine except my hud for me (on partypoker) is over my dollar amount....everyone else is aligned perfectly except there something to fix this.....also how do you add to your hud....tried to add some more stats to it but it didnt show up.


Hold the right mouse btn and drag.... then left click icon on top of table and save layout. Customizing is easy. take a look at configuration menu and read the forums. You can do anything you want really with the exception of transparent background color.
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Re: HUD over my players $$$$

Postby SeRvE_VolleY » Wed May 21, 2008 1:09 am

thanks will look into it more...cheers
Posts: 33
Joined: Sat May 10, 2008 7:39 pm

Re: HUD over my players $$$$

Postby WhiteRider » Wed May 21, 2008 11:07 am

Party moves the information slightly for the seat you are in, so the "show stats on table for everyone" option won't display in the correct position for you.
You can change the Default Group to be "show on table for everyone but hero" and create a new group "show on table for hero only" and place this somewhere else on the table so it doesn't clash with any of the seats - this will NOT move around when you are in a different seat, so put it somewhere out of the way.
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