HUD Popup, SNG Net Profit (Instead of Chip Profit)

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HUD Popup, SNG Net Profit (Instead of Chip Profit)

Postby chubber8 » Tue May 20, 2008 9:54 pm

For tournament games and SNGs, how can I have the HUD display how much money my opponents have won or lost in the popup, instead of displaying how many chips they have won or lost?
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Re: HUD Popup, SNG Net Profit (Instead of Chip Profit)

Postby prajna » Wed May 21, 2008 3:35 am

You want to know overall, what you have for data of what they have won or lost moneywise? Most MTT this would be pointless as you probably have never (and will never) see them again.

~ Thomas
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Re: HUD Popup, SNG Net Profit (Instead of Chip Profit)

Postby WhiteRider » Wed May 21, 2008 11:19 am

Does the Amount Won show the chips, not real money, then? (sorry, I haven't used it much for tourneys)
If there is no real money won stat available in the list you could create a Custom Stat for this. Documentation.
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Re: HUD Popup, SNG Net Profit (Instead of Chip Profit)

Postby ryanghall » Thu May 22, 2008 6:38 pm

This stat always popped up on the old PAHud, and I did find it quite useful, as you'd better believe I see people over and over again in SNGs.

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Re: HUD Popup, SNG Net Profit (Instead of Chip Profit)

Postby chubber8 » Mon May 26, 2008 9:44 am

Yes, 'Amount Won' for tournaments shows the total amount of chips across all games that the specific opponent has accumulated or lost. A rather pointless statistic.

Showing cash won is very useful for SNG play. Many opponents I will see several times a day, and it is good to see how those opponents do while playing in the same games as me.

Are there any plans to add this in? I'm not too happy on having to manually alter this software to match the abilities of it's predecessor.
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Re: HUD Popup, SNG Net Profit (Instead of Chip Profit)

Postby WhiteRider » Mon May 26, 2008 12:46 pm

There is an "Amount Won" stat which show the real money a player has won, but it is in a different section which I guess isn't accessible from the HUD. I'm sure this stat will become available on the HUD, but for now I think it may be possible to re-create this as a custom stat in the "Holdem Tournament Player Statistics" section. Have a look at how "Amount Won" is defined in the section "Holdem Tournament Tournaments" and replicate it in "Holdem Tournament Player Statistics". I'll try to look at this later myself, to see if I can do it if you can't work it out.
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Re: HUD Popup, SNG Net Profit (Instead of Chip Profit)

Postby Robbie Robb » Mon May 26, 2008 2:31 pm

ryanghall wrote:This stat always popped up on the old PAHud, and I did find it quite useful, as you'd better believe I see people over and over again in SNGs.


I agree - especially with SNGs played around the same time and VERY MUCH in HU SNG situations.
Robbie Robb
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