WhiteRider wrote:I will pass on your concerns to the development team, but the filters refer to the actions the player in question makes which is what most people expect.
Tx! I appreciate that.
WhiteRider wrote:In NoteTracker you can filter for actions made by an opponent (using the Opponent filter), but in More Filters in reports you do not have that option. The "Position of 3Bettor" filter allows you to test the position of the 3Bettor when they weren't the active player.
Here you want to test that the active player was the 3Bettor, and that they were in a specific position, so it makes sense to use filters which refer to the active player.
The "Position of 3Bettor" filter will work, but you'll also need to specify the player's position and action, so it isn't needed.
I see, so just to confirm, using filters "Raised Preflop Any 3Bet" & "Position of 3Bettor" at the same time is like redundant?
See image, hopefull this one should be the last one! Tx for all the help!