Not all hands are imported/shown in summary?

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Not all hands are imported/shown in summary?

Postby Tirppa » Fri May 16, 2008 7:10 am

I reimported the 42k hands I had on my computer and then the 20k hands from my laptop. Now it shows total hands in player summary as 49k?

I don't have any filters on.

On my laptop I imported the 20k hands and in player sumarry it shows 11k



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Re: Not all hands are imported/shown in summary?

Postby Josh » Fri May 16, 2008 9:51 am

If you go to the Summary tab in cash games, how many hands does it show there?
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Re: Not all hands are imported/shown in summary?

Postby Tirppa » Fri May 16, 2008 9:54 am

Josh wrote:If you go to the Summary tab in cash games, how many hands does it show there?

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Re: Not all hands are imported/shown in summary?

Postby Josh » Fri May 16, 2008 10:09 am

Are all the hand histories from sites that PT3 supports?
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Re: Not all hands are imported/shown in summary?

Postby Tirppa » Fri May 16, 2008 10:28 am

Josh wrote:Are all the hand histories from sites that PT3 supports?

there might be few stud hands.. all the hands are from Full Tilt.. the 17,990 seems pretty right for the laptop.. same goes for my desktop computer.. the general tab shows 49,916 and the summary tab shows 60,993 hands.

The imports have all been done from the original hand history files. It seems that this affects the hud too. I made a fresh install so my log files shouldn't be too big. Wan't me to make a ticket?

How does datamining affect those numbers? If i've just observed tables with tracker on and not sat in them myself?
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Re: Not all hands are imported/shown in summary?

Postby Josh » Fri May 16, 2008 5:25 pm

The summary tab should show all the hands in the database (cash only). Do you have tournament hands in there as well? That might explain the difference.
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Re: Not all hands are imported/shown in summary?

Postby Godern Blue » Wed May 21, 2008 5:03 am

I am having the opposite problem - the Summary tab list 303 more hands than I have imported?

All hands are from FT and iPoker - and they synched up after the initial import. Since playing a few sessions, they no longer match. I've compared the various levels, and it is happening at some levels more than others, and may be related to the "Adjust Qualifying Table Limits", as I have one lonely hand reported as 2-Max in Summary, but 5 hands in the General tab - this is the only level that has _less_ hands than the General Tab.

I'll keep an eye on it after a few more sessions, and see if they get further out of line...

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Re: Not all hands are imported/shown in summary?

Postby WhiteRider » Wed May 21, 2008 11:35 am

What are you comparing against?
Do you have hands in the DB that you didn't play? Are they "observed" hands? I doubt that PT3 has just invented some hand histories!
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Re: Not all hands are imported/shown in summary?

Postby Godern Blue » Wed May 21, 2008 6:43 pm

WhiteRider wrote:What are you comparing against?
Do you have hands in the DB that you didn't play? Are they "observed" hands? I doubt that PT3 has just invented some hand histories!

I doubt this also. :)

I was comparing the total hands column in "Site Summary" to the total column in "General" (and every other tab...) Obviously the "Player Summary" has many more hands than this.

I mentioned in another thread that the replayer was treating other players as "Hero" in quite a few hands - perhaps PT is counting these twice? Once for me, and once for the Pretend Hero?

Or it is actually the same problem as reported above - the Site Summary has the correct read, and the other tabs are ~300 hands short? Most of the levels in Summary do have more hands, it's just the single 2-Max hand that is less than in the General Tab.

Thanks for your time
Godern Blue
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