Bet vs missed cbet stat (HUD)

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Bet vs missed cbet stat (HUD)

Postby LoveisHell » Fri Sep 12, 2014 10:10 am

I would like to know how I can find the stat which is equivalent to HEM "Bet vs missed cbet" and also fold vs turn lead. I need to add these stats to my HUD

Hero opens from SB, hero doesn't cbet, villain leads the turn (The turn lead%)
Hero opens from SB, hero doesn't cbet, villain leads the turn, hero folds (turn fold%)

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Re: Bet vs missed cbet stat (HUD)

Postby kraada » Fri Sep 12, 2014 10:24 am

In PT4 we call this bet a Probe. We have Probe Turn and Fold to T Probe in our default statistics list.
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Re: Bet vs missed cbet stat (HUD)

Postby LoveisHell » Sat Sep 13, 2014 10:25 am

ty, kraada

So for bet vs missed cbet I need to use Probe Turn (insert BB as position) and Fold to T Probe (insert SB as position). [­Heads UP NL]

What about delayed cbet? I tried using the probe bet to do this, but I didn't get the stat to work.
Hero opens pf, Hero doesn't cbet flop, BB checks turn, Hero delayed cbets turn (probe bets turn).

Is this the correct stat for delayed cbet and fold to delayed cbet?

DELAYED CBET : Probe Turn (insert SB as position)
Fold vs DELAYED CBET: Fold to T Probe (insert BB as position)
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Re: Bet vs missed cbet stat (HUD)

Postby kraada » Sun Sep 14, 2014 9:32 am

Probe implies a certain position so you don't need to change the position necessarily - if you're heads up you can only probe from the BB as you have to be out of position on the preflop aggressor in order to be able to probe. A probe specifically is a bet out of position after the preflop aggressor checked behind the prior street instead of making a continuation bet. There are delayed CBet stats available for free download in our Warehouse (I believe WhiteRider uploaded them).
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Re: Bet vs missed cbet stat (HUD)

Postby LoveisHell » Mon Sep 15, 2014 4:40 am

ok, I think I got it right now.

One more thing. Flop cbet%

There are 3 cbet stats: Cbet flop%, cbet flop in a 3Bet+ Pot and cbet flop in a non-3bet+ Pot.

I'm assuming cbet flop% includes the times there was a cbet in 3bet and single-raised-pots?

I need to use cbets in 3bet pots and in SR-pots, so I need to use
Cbet in a 3bet+ Pot and Cbet in a non 3bet+ Pot? (I shouldn't use cbet flop%)

If I'm correct then the same logic should apply to fold cbets as well?
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Re: Bet vs missed cbet stat (HUD)

Postby LoveisHell » Mon Sep 15, 2014 5:13 am

In addition,

Is there a river stab (OOP/IP) stat that I can use

Hero opens pf, Villain calls, Villain checks, Hero checks, Villain checks, Hero checks, Villain bets river

I need stats on my hud that would indicate river stab% and also fold to river stab for both positions. Can you help me find the right stat?

Is it possible to use the river probe stat for this? (River probe, position BB)
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Re: Bet vs missed cbet stat (HUD)

Postby LoveisHell » Mon Sep 15, 2014 5:36 am

EDIT: After doing some research it seems the "River Probe" stat indicates a situation where the BTB/SB made a cbet, but the the turn is checked through and the BB leads the river.
What stat is comparable to the River Stab situation that I described in the previous post? [Heads UP NL]
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Re: Bet vs missed cbet stat (HUD)

Postby kraada » Mon Sep 15, 2014 7:37 am

There isn't a default stat for that situation. You could build one, though, should you so desire.
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Re: Bet vs missed cbet stat (HUD)

Postby LoveisHell » Mon Sep 15, 2014 7:38 am

What about the cbet stat?

Also can you direct me to instructions how to build your own stat?
What about the river bet stat? Does it include cbet or just single bets? Could I use it for my purpose?
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Re: Bet vs missed cbet stat (HUD)

Postby kraada » Mon Sep 15, 2014 11:04 am

The regular CBet Flop includes all preflop pot sizes, if you want to see the specific 3bet and not 3bet pot breakdown you need to use those specific stats. The general "Bet River" stat is for all river bets regardless of anything else that happened before - cbets are included as are any other chances you had to bet. It basically ignores everything else that happened in the hand, and then there are more specific river bet type stats that look at more specific situations.

See this guide for the basics on custom statistics creation and this guide for a deeper walkthrough. The latter was written for PT3 but the techniques all apply to PT4, the interface is just slightly different.
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