Datamining party

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Datamining party

Postby iwanturcoin » Wed May 21, 2008 11:09 am

when trying to import observed hand sfrom party, it keeps coming up with this error in the import status box :

PartyGaming: Unable to import hand (#7074554383). Reason: Unable to execute query: COPY holdem_hand_histories FROM STDIN;; Reason: Fatal Error (ERROR: literal newline found in data HINT: Use "\n" to represent newline. CONTEXT: COPY holdem_hand_histories, line 2: "" )

????whats goin on
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Re: Datamining party

Postby WhiteRider » Wed May 21, 2008 11:11 am

What application are you using to generate the hand histories?
It looks like it's generating invalid hand histories.
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Re: Datamining party

Postby iwanturcoin » Wed May 21, 2008 8:42 pm works fine with pt2
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Re: Datamining party

Postby pr1mo » Wed May 21, 2008 9:23 pm

i'm getting similar type of error when i import observed hands saved from idle miner:

it's coming up in about 1.5% of the hands i import.

i never got this error with pt2.

2008/05/21 18:18:18: Unable to import hand. Reason: Unable to execute query: COPY holdem_hand_summary FROM STDIN;; Reason: Fatal Error (ERROR: numeric field overflow DETAIL: A field with precision 4, scale 2 must round to an absolute value less than 10^2. CONTEXT: COPY holdem_hand_summary, line 60, column amt_rake: "701.31" )
2008/05/21 18:18:19: Unable to import hand. Reason: Unable to execute query: COPY holdem_hand_summary FROM STDIN;; Reason: Fatal Error (ERROR: numeric field overflow DETAIL: A field with precision 4, scale 2 must round to an absolute value less than 10^2. CONTEXT: COPY holdem_hand_summary, line 1, column amt_rake: "954.10" )
2008/05/21 18:18:19: Unable to import hand. Reason: Unable to execute query: COPY holdem_hand_summary FROM STDIN;; Reason: Fatal Error (ERROR: numeric field overflow DETAIL: A field with precision 4, scale 2 must round to an absolute value less than 10^2. CONTEXT: COPY holdem_hand_summary, line 96, column amt_rake: "316.00" )
2008/05/21 18:18:19: Unable to import hand. Reason: Unable to execute query: COPY holdem_hand_summary FROM STDIN;; Reason: Fatal Error (ERROR: numeric field overflow DETAIL: A field with precision 4, scale 2 must round to an absolute value less than 10^2. CONTEXT: COPY holdem_hand_summary, line 31, column amt_rake: "159.85" )
2008/05/21 18:18:19: Unable to import hand. Reason: Unable to execute query: COPY holdem_hand_summary FROM STDIN;; Reason: Fatal Error (ERROR: numeric field overflow DETAIL: A field with precision 4, scale 2 must round to an absolute value less than 10^2. CONTEXT: COPY holdem_hand_summary, line 37, column amt_rake: "255.00" )
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Re: Datamining party

Postby mhorowit » Wed May 21, 2008 9:26 pm

I'm getting the same error.
Was working fine this afternoon. I shut it down. We had a power failure and I came back to a powered down machine. When I brought it up and cranked up PT3 and PS, I got that series of errors when I asked that PT3 begin importing.
Did someone come up with a solution? - MIke
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Re: Datamining party

Postby iwanturcoin » Thu May 22, 2008 7:41 am

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Re: Datamining party

Postby iwanturcoin » Thu May 22, 2008 9:46 am

seriously this is getting on my nerves now.....some response would be good and by the looks of it in the forums there are more problems with PT3 than u can handle. How can you charge us for a program that obviously isn't finished and has a LOT of problems with it still?? the moment i really wish i did'nt buy it.
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Re: Datamining party

Postby kraada » Thu May 22, 2008 11:04 am

Can you please attach some of these hand histories to a support ticket? Once we have the histories we will be able to fix what needs to get fixed so they get imported properly.
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