HEM -> PT4 and Windows -> Apple

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HEM -> PT4 and Windows -> Apple

Postby ryytis » Thu Nov 13, 2014 9:23 am

I am planning on buying an IMac so what do I need to do in order to get my hem database working on the new computer using PT4? Which files do I need to save? What are the spots where I can do something wrong and lose my database or have problems trying to make it work on the new computer?

I'm quite a noob with computers all around so I would REALLY REALLY appreciate a step-to-step guide on these:

1. What do I need to do on my old computer? (copy some of the database files to an external hard drive? Is there a way how my external hard drive might not be compatible with the Apple system and I can not transfer the files or they will someway be corrupt?)

2. What do I need to do on the new computer in order to make everything work?

Also is there a way to transfer my Hud layout from HEM to PT4?

I am planning on buying a 27 inch IMac ( http://www.techspot.com/products/deskto ... 013.95046/ ) Is the 8 gigs of RAM enough to handle a poker setup with PT4 or should I invest in some additional RAM too?

Thanks :)
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Re: HEM -> PT4 and Windows -> Apple

Postby kraada » Thu Nov 13, 2014 10:05 am

Honestly the easiest thing to do will be to install PT4 on your old machine first and use the Convert Holdem Manager Database functionality in our Setup Assistant. That will get across the data in your database into PT4. Then you can make a Backup of the PT4 database and restore it on your new machine - they work cross platform, and there's a tutorial on how to backup and restore here.

The HUD can't be converted though so you'll need to rebuild that.

Regarding RAM . . . more RAM is always better, and RAM is fairly cheap, and you likely won't want to upgrade it later, so if you can afford the upgrade now I'd say do it as it will only help.
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Re: HEM -> PT4 and Windows -> Apple

Postby ryytis » Fri Jan 02, 2015 1:38 pm

kraada wrote:Honestly the easiest thing to do will be to install PT4 on your old machine first and use the Convert Holdem Manager Database functionality in our Setup Assistant. That will get across the data in your database into PT4.

Can this conversion be done with the tutorial? I dont want to buy the program and use the code on a computer that will never be used again :ugeek:

Also is there a maximum size of the database that I should not go over? If I put ALL the hands I have atm in the same database that will probably be like 1,5m hands or something... or should i just stick with like the hands from last year? Is the size of the database going to bring problems? I am going to buy an 27 imac with 32gb of ram.
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Re: HEM -> PT4 and Windows -> Apple

Postby kraada » Fri Jan 02, 2015 5:11 pm

The trial includes this functionality. Also, codes are for two concurrent uses - old uses where PT4 is no longer in use on a given machine no longer count against your two use allotment.

I've seen users with databases easily 5-6 times the length you describe. Some kinds of analysis will necessarily be a bit slower as a result of having a large database - but import time and the HUD should not be affected in any meaningful way regardless of how large your database is.
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Re: HEM -> PT4 and Windows -> Apple

Postby ryytis » Tue Jan 06, 2015 5:16 am

Okay I've ran into a few problems... First of all when I downloaded the trial I had to choose between texas hold em and omaha... I have hands in both so how do i keep all my hands - both omaha and texas?

secondly my database was around 1.5m hands but when I started the convert hold em manager database is says its importing 3.4m hands... it is possible that there is a bunch of hands in the database that i am not even part of so is there a way to get rid of those?

I chose the omaha version (as this is the game i play atm) but i would still like to keep my hold em hands in the database. The import has been running for around 17 hours now and it says that it has imported 428k/3.4m hands...

Any suggestions on how I should proceed? :)


EDIT: Also it looks like im getting errors on like all ongame hands that are trying to import... unknown flop action, unknown river action etc... and others for just "buy the texas hold em version to import hold em hands."
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Re: HEM -> PT4 and Windows -> Apple

Postby ryytis » Tue Jan 06, 2015 6:47 am

Now the program has said "conversion complete" for like an hour but the window is frozen and i cant do anything. Should i close the program from task manager?
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Re: HEM -> PT4 and Windows -> Apple

Postby WhiteRider » Tue Jan 06, 2015 8:10 am

There is some housekeeping processing to do after an import, and for a large import that can take some time. I'd let it work for another hour or so before you end it - I'd expect it to finish, but it's hard to say how long it will take as it depends on a lot of factors.

You can start the trial for holdem as well - either via the splash screen which is shown at start up or shutdown of PT4, or Help > Register.

The "extra" hands could be for other screennames, or could be observed hands if you've imported any of those - you won't necessarily see all of your hands under one screenname (in HM or PT).

If you have errors for OnGame hands please export a few of them from HM2 and attach them to a Support Ticket so that we can investigate. We do see errors in hand histories from time to time, and that will allow us to check whether these are genuine errors or something which we need to address in PT4.
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Re: HEM -> PT4 and Windows -> Apple

Postby ryytis » Tue Jan 06, 2015 9:36 am

WhiteRider wrote:
The "extra" hands could be for other screennames, or could be observed hands if you've imported any of those - you won't necessarily see all of your hands under one screenname (in HM or PT).

Is it possible to somehow get rid of these easily? I mean they just make the database bigger by over a million hands and i have no need for the stats they provide anymore.
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Re: HEM -> PT4 and Windows -> Apple

Postby ryytis » Tue Jan 06, 2015 10:31 am

Also if im only going to buy the licence for omaha will I even be able to look at my hold em hands if they are in the database?
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Re: HEM -> PT4 and Windows -> Apple

Postby WhiteRider » Tue Jan 06, 2015 11:58 am

You can purge observed hands using the Advanced tab of the Purge window. If you're removing a lot of hands be prepared for it to take a significant amount of time - purging is a pretty involved process.

Once the trial runs out, if you only have an omaha license then you will only be able to see omaha hands.
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