Im trying to build stat that shows range for given action based on showdowns.
I have it as matrix of stats where forthe action I have included as well id hole card. I'm looking for the way to do this without making huge number of stats coz there is only <1600 columns in cache table.
I have a column as a string where I have cards for action. It looks like this string_agg(case when(...action.... then lookup_hole_cards.hole_cards ::int::text else null end,'').
My question is: is there a way to make it cachable, so I could make 169 stats that update fast base on this column?
what function to use in stat to get info from this string that given hole card is there e.g. x times?
Another question: how to get info what was last showdown, previous and so on? I think I can use substr(column_name,1,3), after replacing poket pars in a way KK -> KKp, so that every hole card has 3 digits.
But I'm doing something wrong coz it does not work, it hud profile it shows XYZ.
Sorry, for noob question but I just started making some not very basic stats.