Poker Tracker 3 Issues

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Poker Tracker 3 Issues

Postby PokerBot » Thu May 22, 2008 8:39 am

I have been playing around with PT3 trying to get to grips with it and i have encoutners a few probelms:

1) Firstly i did not install to the defult directory, instead of "pokertracker" i installed to poker tracker 3" note the space. Will this be an issue, i read somewhere that it could be when updating etc. What is the best and easit way to make it the default?

2) I imported all my hands with the first version, a few minor errors came up about duplicate hands and failed internet connections, maybe a few other things... Do i need to re import into the new version?

2) In the "player summery" the "bb/hour" is 1.19 in PT2 but is 7.73 in PT3, there are NO filters on, it is all of the hands from that level, what is up with this?

3) When i try to make notes ona hand it say an error message; "unable to execute query SELECT id_ ... Reason: fatal error (ERROR: invald input suntax for interger"

4) In PT2 i was able to have my party and full tilt sessions all seperate but all visable in the sessions window, in PT3 the levels, i think 25c/50c get mixed together, i cannot have this since i want to be able to see my winning compared to each site on the same level, how do i do this; creating an alis merges the stats

5) The hud is 100% not working, please give detailed advice about how to use it. Is ther a more graphical user interface akin to the old program that i can use to setup my display of stats

6) Am i right in assuming that there are alot of bugs / things to be added to the program. Would you adivse me to continue to use PT Two for the time being and then in a few weeks when the program is imporoved plus there is more documentation available on how to you the program start using PT three?

Thanks, oh and well done for a great peice of software
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Joined: Mon Feb 18, 2008 9:02 am

Re: Poker Tracker 3 Issues

Postby PokerBot » Thu May 22, 2008 10:40 am

Can somone please offer me some advice. Sorry about all the questions in one thread, but if anyone can help with just one of these thing please do!

I am sure other people will find your answer valuble too

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Joined: Mon Feb 18, 2008 9:02 am

Re: Poker Tracker 3 Issues

Postby kraada » Thu May 22, 2008 11:18 am

(1) When upgrading to new builds, make sure to use that same directory path when prompted. Otherwise it should not cause any problems.

(2a) Duplicate hands were already importing; reimporting will not help. I'm not sure about the failed internet connections or "Other things"; if you attempt to import the hands and they come up as duplicates then nothing changes in the database, it just takes up your time.

(2b) Do you have all of the same hands imported (does the number of hands match)? If so, can you please try to find a specific hand on which PT2 and PT3 disagree, then attach the hand history to a support ticket? Then we can figure out why that's happening.

(3) This shouldn't be happening. Please make sure that logging is enabled (Configure --> Options --> Logging enabled, restart PT3 if necessary) and reproduce the error. Then attach the C:\Program Files\PokerTracker3\PokerTracker.log file to a support ticket and we will better be able to assess exactly what is happening here.

(4) You can alias your two screen names together from the General tab by clicking the blue "edit" link near the word "aliases"

(5) There is no layout manager as of yet. When you get into the Configure HUD window, if you double click a stat it adds it to the current group, and if you double click it on the right the stat is removed. Each group comes up as its own box. If you want multiple boxes, you need to create new groups from the groups tab. Type 'grid' makes stats line up vertically even if one stat is longer than another. Right click and drag to move a box while playing on a table. PT Icon --> Save Layout to save the position of the boxes.

(6) PokerTracker 3 should be stable for general use. We are releasing an upgrade early next week that should fix a lot of HUD related issues. If you have specific questions feel free to ask them here and we will do the best we can to help you.
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