PT2 Conversion to PostgreSQL/Reconcilliation with PT3

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PT2 Conversion to PostgreSQL/Reconcilliation with PT3

Postby Kostya Heeps » Thu May 22, 2008 3:12 am

Problem 1: In PT2, under 'PostgreSQL Settings', the 'ODBC Entry To Use' selection list is empty. I have PT3 installed, and up and running so PostgreSQL is installed ok. I figure it's something simple, but don't know what I'm missing.

Problem 2: So I exported all of my data from PT2 into files, and imported them into PT3, but have some major reconcilliation issues. All my data is PokerStars Tournament data only. The number of hands in both systems match (42,657) so they've all come across, but I seem to have lost 1 tournament along the way. I could probably live with that, but lots of my stats are way out. In PT2, I've spent $5,962.85 for a return of $6,601.29, a net gain of $638.44. In PT3, I've spent $5,993.85 for a return of just $3,207.84, a net loss of $2,786.01. I haven't spent much time trying to get to the bootom of this, because I immediately noticed quite a few 'discrepancies' in the imported data - all my 'Table Types' are classified in PT2, but many are 'N/A' in PT3; PT3 is charging me $5.25 for freerolls; the 'Minutes' and 'Hours' are way out, showing me playing several hours in tournaments where I never made it to the first hourly break.

Question 1: If I solve problem 1, and import my data that way, can I expect better results than problem 2 indicates?

Question 2: I'm an ex software guy myself, so appreciate what you guys must have on your plates so soon after release. I'd like to get cracking with PT3 asap so I can take advantage of great features like the HUD, but ultimately would like to have all my data over and essentially reconciled to the old. At this stage I'm torn between sticking with PT2 until PT3 settles down a bit, or running with PT3 now and hoping I can get my data over successfully later on. Any advice on this?
Kostya Heeps
Posts: 7
Joined: Wed May 21, 2008 9:32 pm

Re: PT2 Conversion to PostgreSQL/Reconcilliation with PT3

Postby txBoot » Thu May 22, 2008 8:36 am

I too had huge issues with my import. With my Full Tilt tournaments, 99% of them imported, but none of the results came over. So I have hundreds of FT tournaments that look like I never cashed. Insane to have to update all of these manually. I realize new products can have issues, but data conversion from the prior product should be one of the top priorities to get right. Seems like this product was rushed to market a little soon. Features that seem to missing that I used is also a problem.
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Re: PT2 Conversion to PostgreSQL/Reconcilliation with PT3

Postby kraada » Thu May 22, 2008 10:59 am

Could you please use our support system to create a ticket and reference this thread? When doing so, if you could attach some of these hand histories, it would be a great help.
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