No PT2 DB found to convert to PT3

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No PT2 DB found to convert to PT3

Postby PTF24 » Tue May 20, 2008 3:27 am

I'm not sure why, but when I install PT3 and try to "Convert PT2 database", it says there is no PT2 DB found. I can go back into PT2 and pull up my tournement and ring stats, which I converted to postgreSQL around PT3 Beta time in prep for this very act when commercial version was ready. I tried exporting hands to file under PT2 and manually loaded them into PT3 but only ring stats were imported.

Thankfuly PT2 seems to be still running ok, but I am DYING to switch to PT3. Any suggestions?
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Re: No PT2 DB found to convert to PT3

Postby prajna » Tue May 20, 2008 2:36 pm

This can sometimes mean you have two separate copies of postgresql server running on your computer, and the one your pt3 is connected to is not what pt2 is connected to. The quick work around is to treat your pt2 database as though it is not postgresql and follow the directions below:

Convert from PT2 to PT3 when PT2 is not using postgresql

~ Thomas
[Pokertracker support]
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Re: No PT2 DB found to convert to PT3

Postby PTF24 » Tue May 20, 2008 4:03 pm

Thanks, Thomas. I followed the instructions and did a manual import but none of my tournement information is available in PT3. I converted PT2 to postgreSQL when I got the beta PT3. I kept postgreSQL but I uninstalled PT3 beta to wait for the release of the commercial version. I installed it yesterday but didn't have the password from the original postgreSQL install and used defaults. Then the "No pt2 DB found" business.

I read previous posts on password problems but I've done enough damage and will wait for your next recommendation.....
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Re: No PT2 DB found to convert to PT3

Postby WhiteRider » Wed May 21, 2008 10:31 am

I don't think the tournament summaries are exported when you export to file from PT2, so they will not have been transferred across.
I'm not sure whether it is possible yet to automatically get those summaries across at the moment.
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Re: No PT2 DB found to convert to PT3

Postby PTF24 » Thu May 22, 2008 12:26 am

I followed the instruction to eliminate the need for a password but it hasn't helped my problem.

I exported HH for tournament and ring games and manually imported them into PT3 but the numbers are WAY off. Many of the tourney buy-in and results were N/A and net totals are nowhere near the numbers in PT2.

I still need to find a way to get PT3 covert my PT2 db. They're both postgreSQL databases, why can't they just get along?
I can't just start a new PT3 database at an arbitrary date and forsake my 2 years of stats.

Anymore ideas?
I'm desperado at this point....
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Re: No PT2 DB found to convert to PT3

Postby PTF24 » Thu May 22, 2008 11:22 am

After more screwing around I am still not able to convert my postgreSQL PT2 database into PT3. I've been waiting this whole time for PT3 release and now I'm stuck on the outside looking in. Is there anything I can do about this?
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Re: No PT2 DB found to convert to PT3

Postby kraada » Thu May 22, 2008 12:57 pm


In PT2 click Utilities --> Export Hand History to File...

Then select a new, empty directory and let PokerTracker 2 export all of your old hand histories into files.

Then in PT3 go to the Import tab, the Manual Import subtab and use the "Import From Directory" button to import all of these old hand histories you exported.

Note: If you previously did not import hand histories into your PT2 database there is currently no manner in which to import this data into PT2. We are aware of this and do intend to have some form of conversion available at some point, though we do not have an ETA on it at this time.
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Re: No PT2 DB found to convert to PT3

Postby WhiteRider » Thu May 22, 2008 2:20 pm

I think he means the tournament summaries were not imported. I don't actually know whether the PT2 export includes tournament summaries, can someone who's done this please let us know?
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Re: No PT2 DB found to convert to PT3

Postby Swoop » Thu May 22, 2008 4:06 pm

I´d like to jump in on this.

I did as told, imported all the hands I exported earlier, but now they´re no where to find.

Any clues?
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Re: No PT2 DB found to convert to PT3

Postby WhiteRider » Thu May 22, 2008 4:41 pm

Swoop wrote:I´d like to jump in on this.

I did as told, imported all the hands I exported earlier, but now they´re no where to find.

Any clues?

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