possible to switch back easily to PT2?

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possible to switch back easily to PT2?

Postby spadeskillz » Thu May 22, 2008 6:11 pm

is it easy to make the switch back to PT2 if you want to after importing all the pt2 processed hands into pt3's database??? or will i have to somehow move all the hands back into a diff folder etC???
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Re: possible to switch back easily to PT2?

Postby prajna » Thu May 22, 2008 7:05 pm

You can still use PT2 if you want, but if you want the hands from PT3, you will need to export them and then import them back into PT2. To export hands in PT3 go to database -> database management. Select your database, and click the export button.

Back in PT2 import the hands by clicking on the lightning button (second from the left), and point it to the directory you exported your hands from PT3 into. Note, I would not suggest doing this unless you want to drop PT3 for a while and EXCLUSIVELY use pt2 or else you will be constantly exporting/importing hands back and forth between the two databases.

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Re: possible to switch back easily to PT2?

Postby spadeskillz » Thu May 22, 2008 7:25 pm

ok thanks for the help .... also a couple other questions... is observing tracking only available for FTP and not stars and is there a way to have the names of players not shown underneath after you register and in the popup stats when it shows just straight %'s is there a way for it to also show the ( 9 of 11 ) to = show what the % represents like on PT2???
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Re: possible to switch back easily to PT2?

Postby spadeskillz » Fri May 23, 2008 12:03 am

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Re: possible to switch back easily to PT2?

Postby Josh » Fri May 23, 2008 12:52 am

We plan on adding the memory scanner option for PokerStars, just like PA Hud has. The numbers making up the percentages will definitely be added to the popups.
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Re: possible to switch back easily to PT2?

Postby sprstoner » Fri May 23, 2008 2:28 am

spade were you asking if the name of the player can be removed from the hud? if so, yes it can, just go into configure hud, and on the side with the stats you are using (upper right hand box under the tab"stats"), just double click the "player". that should remove it.

im not sure of your other Qs.
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Re: possible to switch back easily to PT2?

Postby ClutchCity » Fri May 23, 2008 6:33 pm

Okay, so I'm gonna transfer all of my PT3 DB's (2 of them one used for datamining) back to PT2. I'm making a couple of temp folders on the desktop which I will export both DB's to. (I assume PT2 gathers stats for display from multiple DB's like PT3 does?) Since the main DB I am exporting is what was once all of my PT2 DB plus the hands I've played over the past week, then it wouldn't it make the most sense to create a new DB in PT2? As opposed to importing the PT3 DB's into an aleady existing PT2 DB?

Also, if it goes well and I play using PT2 for the next several days (until a properly functioning PT3 exists) to go back to PT3, I would simply just convert the PT2 DB into PT3 right? Would I delete the the existing PT3 DB's since most of the hands coming would be duplicates? Or would it be best to leave them and it will know what to/what not to import? Thanks
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Re: possible to switch back easily to PT2?

Postby WhiteRider » Sat May 24, 2008 4:13 am

Any hands you import to either PT2 or PT3 which are already in the database will be ignored (you will see it reporting duplicates), so it would not cause any problems to re-import everything.
However, it would mean a lot more time to import than if you just import what you need.

If you still have the original hand history files (check the "move processed files to..." folder) then just sort them by date and pull out the ones you need for PT2 to import.
You could do the same again when you come back to PT3.

If you don't have those files you will have to export from PT3 as you said.
Unfortunately so far PT3 will only export everything, so when you import into PT2 it will have to do the sorting.
But when you come back to PT3 you can tell PT2 to "export hand histories to file" from a certain date so you only get the hands you don't already have in PT3.
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