Hi, I've noticed a performance issue with auto-import.
I believe that there is a major performance hit with the text update of every hand added, because there is no upper limit to how far back that text box will remember things, and also because these updates are handled by a Windows control that is slow.
For example:
If I do an auto-import of 20k hands that are on my hard drive, they will start off relatively fast (4-5 per second), and by the end it will be down to 1 every 4-5 seconds.
I realize that's not the best way to import 20k hands, but it does show the bug.
From my experience, I think that the best way to solve this would be to only update the text box every couple of seconds (keep a buffer that is large enough for this - don't reallocate the memory), and to limit the size of text in that box. Windows doesn't handle the memory allocation very well as far as performance goes, so the less you have to get add text to the box, and have Windows get you new memory, the better.
This isn't a performance issue that would affect most people, but the hand counts can get pretty high for people playing a lot of tables for many hours. They would probably run into performance issues. This would also be compounded if Poker Tracker remains open between sessions. A temporary workaround is to close Poker Tracker and reopen it whenever too many hands have been imported.