PT4 noob

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Re: PT4 noob

Postby kraada » Tue Jun 24, 2014 5:16 pm

Versus hero stats are not built into PT4. They can be done as custom statistics but it's complicated (there are threads on it if you do a bit of searching though).

For BB Fold vs Steal use "Fold to Steal" and set the Position Item Property to "BB".

If you use Live Avg Stack in a Player group (that isn't set to show Table Averages) it'll show that player's stack. Note though it won't update as the hand progresses since PT4 knows nothing about the hand in progress until it is finished.
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Re: PT4 noob

Postby jsimon101 » Wed Jun 25, 2014 11:32 am

another noob stat questions:

does PFR take into account all raises? For ex: a PFR adjusted for SB equal raise 1st in, 3b, and 4b whether or not it's a shove or not?

Similarily - with the won money at showdowns (like with WSDWRR) take into all raises - check raises, 3b, 4b, shove or not?

Also what does WSD (non-small) mean?

thank you!
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Re: PT4 noob

Postby jsimon101 » Wed Jun 25, 2014 12:05 pm

... one more question:

what is the difference between "save and lock" and just "save layout" -

If I am making adjustments to my HUD in game - do I need to unlock it every time? Or can I simply just move my items and save it - no need to lock and unlock it? thanks again.
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Re: PT4 noob

Postby kraada » Wed Jun 25, 2014 12:28 pm

PFR counts all raises; it's the percentage someone raises preflop given the chance to do so regardless of what kind of raise it is. The same is true for the when raise stats.

Non-small means the player contributed at least 5 big blinds to the pot -- so the pot was at least 10 big blinds large.

Save and lock frees up the right click so you can use it to set session stats and whatnot by right clicking on a player's stats pane. If you're just going to unlock it again to move it around, position it first. You can leave it unlocked if you'd prefer to keep your right click for moving only but it's not necessary.
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Re: PT4 noob

Postby jsimon101 » Tue Aug 26, 2014 11:48 pm

I am curious about positional stats and their properties.

Is it as simple as changing the positional properties for each basic 3b stat, pfr and vpip stats if I want to know how often the player did each action for the given position? It So if I want to know what the vpip is in the bb I would select the basic vpip and change the positional propertie to: "bb"? Same with each basic stat of 3b and pfr if I wanted to know how often my opponents were doing that from each position? Just want to get clear on this.

Also - is there a difference between "attempt to steal" and "raise first in" especially from positional properties of button and sb? from other positions?

The same for "fold bb To steal" and "fold to attempted steal" if the properties are labelled from the bb? they are the same right?

I saw statistics that looked similar but I wanted to verify... also this is for tournament poker
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Re: PT4 noob

Postby WhiteRider » Wed Aug 27, 2014 3:31 am

jsimon101 wrote:I am curious about positional stats and their properties.

Is it as simple as changing the positional properties for each basic 3b stat, pfr and vpip stats if I want to know how often the player did each action for the given position? It So if I want to know what the vpip is in the bb I would select the basic vpip and change the positional propertie to: "bb"? Same with each basic stat of 3b and pfr if I wanted to know how often my opponents were doing that from each position? Just want to get clear on this.


jsimon101 wrote:Also - is there a difference between "attempt to steal" and "raise first in" especially from positional properties of button and sb? from other positions?

The only difference is that you can only attempt to steal from the cutoff, button or small blind. For those positions they are the same.

jsimon101 wrote:The same for "fold bb To steal" and "fold to attempted steal" if the properties are labelled from the bb? they are the same right?

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Re: PT4 noob

Postby jsimon101 » Thu Aug 28, 2014 10:27 pm

A question about the item properties and the 3b stat - is there anyway to adjust the properties of this stat so i can group it so that it generically collects "ep" and "lp"? So ep would be utg utg1 and mp and mp1. "lp" would be hj co bu. I know you can do each separately but I don't have room for that on my hud. I just want 3b ep and 3b lp.
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Re: PT4 noob

Postby WhiteRider » Fri Aug 29, 2014 3:11 am

There is no option for that but you could make those as custom stats if you like.

Custom Stats Guide
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Re: PT4 noob

Postby jsimon101 » Tue Feb 24, 2015 1:31 am

I am having problems with the video recorder. I can't seem to record a decent vid that youtube can up load. while youtube is processing the vid it tells me it is an unrecognizable format. I tried playing the video - this case a whole tournament - in VLC players and it was botched. The length of the video was well over an hour for 300 hands but after a few hands the video froze. any suggestions?
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Re: PT4 noob

Postby WhiteRider » Tue Feb 24, 2015 5:40 am

I'm not seeing any problems uploading long videos to YouTube. Make sure that you're running our latest version v4.13.1 (PT4 Download Page), and that you have all of your OS updates installed.

Have you verified your YouTube account to allow you do upload videos over 15 minutes? (I assume so, but needs checking.)

Are you able to upload shorter PT videos?

Have you tried uploading to YouTube directly from the video export window, or are you uploading the exported video file?

If you're only having problems with this tournament (or longer tournaments) please attach the original hand history file for the tournament to a Support Ticket with a link to this thread so that we can investigate.
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