No PT2 DB found to convert to PT3

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Re: No PT2 DB found to convert to PT3

Postby PTF24 » Fri May 23, 2008 5:37 am

One thing at a time. I exported PT2 Ring HH AND Tournament HH to 2 seperate folders. I manually imported the contents of those folders into PT3. When I look at my stats in PT3 they do not add up correctly; as in off by thousands, over 500 tournaments that had results and sumary info listed in PT2 are listed as N/A in PT3. My PT2 is a postgreSQL db that I can't convert to PT3 DB. I tried unistalling and reinstalling the newest postgreSQL and also PT3. I disabled password as in thread about password issues, which it might be here but that fix didn't work. What can I try next, por favor?
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Re: No PT2 DB found to convert to PT3

Postby WhiteRider » Fri May 23, 2008 12:37 pm

I've just imported a single Party MTT I exported from PT2, and it includes the win info, but not the buy-in. PT3 won't be able to import any info that is not in the file exported from PT2.
Could you please have a look at one of the tournament files and see what summary information is included?
If there is some info included which PT3 hasn't imported, or if you can't work it out, please attach the file (or a few) to the Support system.
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