Problems pressing action buttons on stars.

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Problems pressing action buttons on stars.

Postby sil693 » Fri May 23, 2008 4:46 pm

HUD stats normally work normal, import seems fine.
PT3 has crashed a couple of times and I need to restart it again.
Sometimes it is difficult for me to press the action buttons on the tables "call" "check" "fold" etc - i have to click the button repeatedly.
Normally play 9 - 12 tables of 6max cash.

Also, when I minimize PT3 and then open it by clicking the logo in the system tray? (bottom right hand corner of the screen) in opens my norton anti-virus as well.

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Joined: Fri May 09, 2008 3:47 pm

Re: Problems pressing action buttons on stars.

Postby WhiteRider » Fri May 23, 2008 5:35 pm

sil693 wrote:Sometimes it is difficult for me to press the action buttons on the tables "call" "check" "fold" etc - i have to click the button repeatedly.
Normally play 9 - 12 tables of 6max cash.

This is a known issue, and hopefully will be fixed in the next build due out within a few days.

[qutoe]Also, when I minimize PT3 and then open it by clicking the logo in the system tray? (bottom right hand corner of the screen) in opens my norton anti-virus as well.[/quote]
Presumably you mean double-clicking to open it?
Does it always do this? Is the icon next door, could you possibly be clicking both?
I doubt this is a PT3 issue, but if it always happens we can investigate.
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