but clearly something isn't working as expecting since I'm getty way less result for the first stat.
I made the relative custom stat using these columns:
- Code: Select all
sum(if[char_length(cash_hand_summary.str_aggressors_p) >= 2 and char_length(cash_hand_summary.str_actors_p) >= 1 and substring(cash_hand_summary.str_aggressors_p from 2 for 1)::int != substring(cash_hand_summary.str_actors_p from 1 for 1)::int AND cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_p_3bet,1,0])
- Code: Select all
sum(if[char_length(cash_hand_summary.str_aggressors_p) >= 2 and char_length(cash_hand_summary.str_actors_p) >= 1 and substring(cash_hand_summary.str_aggressors_p from 2 for 1)::int != substring(cash_hand_summary.str_actors_p from 1 for 1)::int AND cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_p_3bet_opp,1,0])
Now let's compare the 2 stats (the simple custom stat and the one made with custom notes)
as you can see the numerator and denominator are different
I just want to point out that these method is working for other stats like 3bets, so there's something wrong with the autonote definition
Well I guess I realized one of the problems... the issue with the numerator.
If I made a hand report and using a proper filter, I realized that the 6 hands are the hands which we see a showdown. The problem is, I didn't ask to notetaker to filter that.
Regarding the denominator, I don't have a clue about the difference, maybe there's some spot that wasn't qualified...
Is this a bug tho?