Finding out how a player plays a particular hand?

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Finding out how a player plays a particular hand?

Postby kx33 » Wed May 06, 2015 1:44 pm

I'm wondering if there is some kind of custom note which can be set to 'discover' how a player plays a particular hand, such as top pair, two pair, any flush etc;

I understand that you can make your own custom notes and set something such as "Bets flop with top pair" and when they do that it will come up as a note etc;, but as you can imagine this type of 'record' is far too relaxed as they may do the exact same with a wide bunch of hands. I'm just wondering if there is some kind of note which features a macro type of thing? Where, when someone plays a particular hand a specific way, it will record that in notes and save.

So, if a player has bet middle pair but checked to a scare on the turn twice in the past, it will automatically create a note. Of course you can create a note yourself with this kind of line, but there is just so many variables as to how people play hands.

I feel like this is a crucial part of being able to put someone on a range.
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Re: Finding out how a player plays a particular hand?

Postby kraada » Wed May 06, 2015 2:42 pm

The complexity to do what you're describing is pretty enormous - for exactly the reasons you describe as there are an awful lot of variables. There's one more problem you haven't pointed out - once you enumerate all features of a specific kind of hand, you likely will have a sample size of 1 for every situation given how many combinations there are in a deck of cards, and especially if you take into account any kinds of other data beyond that.
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