HUD crashed Full Tilt Poker FTP too quick tables change

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HUD crashed Full Tilt Poker FTP too quick tables change

Postby WeltMensch » Sat May 24, 2008 2:53 am

Hi @ all,

sorry for the strange subject of this topic, I wanted to get as many keywords as possible in it (limited space).

I hope this hasn't been reported up to now, if yes, please ignore or move to the appropriate topic (I know u admins can do that ;) ).

BUG (Poker Tracker 3 build 2 16 may 08), Platform: Full Tilt Poker ring game 9 players, 4 tables with table change during the session:
A Poker Tracker dialog box with the following
Poker Tracker reported an error with HUD on Full Tilt Poker during a ring game 4-table session (9 players, 0.25/0.50 limit).
Reason: HUD reported an error with something like "Can't write to an array outside of some area" (I don't remember the exact text, but it was in the same dialog box)
Poker Tracker (also in the same dialog box) asked "Please restart Poker Tracker".
That dialog box contains only one button, I guess it was "OK".

After clicking OK Poker Tracker itself worked fine (i.e. Auto import, database operations), HUD did not work anymore.

Behaviour of the program:
Test 1)
I left the currently 4 open tables open, clicked "stop auto import" but unchecked the "Move processed files to" option before in order to work on the same files the second time, exited Poker Tracker 3 and restarted it again. After clicking on auto import I recognized that the import worked fine, finding the exact number of duplicates it should find from the files left and importing the new hands. I clicked the "Start HUD" button and immediately the same error message popped up, "Please restart Poker Tracker".

Test 2)
I again left the 4 tables open, but activated the "Move processed files" option before stopping the Auto import in order to work on new files the next time. I exited Poker Tracker and started it again. Auto import worked great, but as soon as I activated the "Start HUD" button, the very same error message came up.

Test 3)
I decided to leave Poker Tracker importing without the HUD and without a new restart (i.e. after having clicked the "OK" in the error message box) for the remainder of the session. At the end of the session I closed the 4 tables (I had changed tables a few times inbetween it was a rather long session ;) ) and finally (i.e. after having closed all remaining tables windows) exited Poker Tracker after stopping the Auto import (with moving files). When shutting down Poker Tracker produced a system sound "Standardton Warnsignal" (german, sorry, should be something like "system warning") linked to $SYSTEMROOT$/MEDIA/Windows XP-Ping.wav --> I assumed that very moment that HUD still found a table that has long been closed and tried to link to that table. (HUD seems to produce that sound when Poker Tracker is exited with HUD turned on and HUDed tables are still open)

In the next 4 table FTP session Poker Tracker AND the HUD worked well again.

At one time in the error-session I changed tables very quickly, i.e. I closed one table on the small blind position without waiting for the end of the hand (27o or such) in order to immediately open another table for which I was listed in the waiting list. I think this somehow caused the subsequent errors in HUD.

Note to the Poker Tracker development team)
Please allow me to thank you very much for this wonderful program. I love the database operations, I love the HUD and I love the replay. I started using PT3 in the later beta phase and as soon as I got a little bit comfortable with the program I decided to purchase it. It is worth every cent I paid for it. Continue the excellent work on it, you must be a very happy team ;)

Greetings from Berlin/Germany

Jan (WeltMensch)

PS: I don't mind getting an email for further questions, the address should be listed in the subsribers database
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Joined: Wed Apr 23, 2008 1:41 am

Re: HUD crashed Full Tilt Poker FTP too quick tables change

Postby prajna » Sat May 24, 2008 4:10 am

There are known HUD issues which cause everything from disappearing stats, no stats at all, and crashing poker sites as well. I, myself, am unable to 4 table on FTP as well. The next build is supposed to fix this (due out early next week).

~ Thomas
[Pokertracker support]
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Joined: Thu Apr 03, 2008 1:58 pm

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