PT4 HUD in front of stack sizes!

Questions and discussion about PokerTracker 4 for Windows

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Re: PT4 HUD in front of stack sizes!

Postby kraada » Tue Apr 21, 2015 9:48 am

You aren't answering my question sufficiently. If someone limps and sees the flop but folds on the flop putting no more money in, is that "playing with"? What if he sees the turn and all of the money goes in on the river? Is it a certain percentage of his stack he must contribute to count as playing with? If so, what percentage would that be? You need to be able to quantify these kinds of details very precisely in order to get a meaningful answer out of the PT4 stats system.

We already have reports broken down into different positions. There's a By Position option on Statistics -> Overview and when you click that it will show you a report with stats broken down into one row by position.
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Re: PT4 HUD in front of stack sizes!

Postby goktrenks » Wed Apr 22, 2015 9:46 pm

kraada wrote:You aren't answering my question sufficiently. If someone limps and sees the flop but folds on the flop putting no more money in, is that "playing with"? What if he sees the turn and all of the money goes in on the river? Is it a certain percentage of his stack he must contribute to count as playing with? If so, what percentage would that be? You need to be able to quantify these kinds of details very precisely in order to get a meaningful answer out of the PT4 stats system.

We already have reports broken down into different positions. There's a By Position option on Statistics -> Overview and when you click that it will show you a report with stats broken down into one row by position.

Daaaamn that report is so useful,thanks!

BTW about 1st question,I want that these assumptions to be made PF.
If the guy started the hand with a stack <100bb,for example,it only counts as a played hand if he either was on the blinds and played the hand or folded it.And if he isn't on the blinds it only counts as 'played hand' anything that isn't a fold.He either had to have limped,raised,or called a raise.(>3bet counts as 'raised')
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Re: PT4 HUD in front of stack sizes!

Postby kraada » Thu Apr 23, 2015 8:04 am

Ok, so VPIP is a sufficient condition for you.

Go to My Reports and create a new report (Player if you want to see stats like VPIP and My C Won, Hand if you want individual hands -- you can certainly do this twice). Once you have your report and the stats you want to see added, click the blue Filter link on the left hand side and choose Add Filter Expression. Use this filter expression and it will filter the data to only hands where someone with an effective stack bigger than 100BB who was not hero did VPIP. You can then use simple filters to get to cases where you also put money in.

cash_hand_player_statistics.id_hand in (SELECT chps.id_hand from cash_hand_player_statistics chps, cash_limit cl where not(chps.flg_hero) and chps.id_limit = cl.id_limit and (chps.amt_p_effective_stack / cl.amt_bb) >= 100 and chps.flg_vpip)

You can add further restrictions on that if you want; for example this would mean he had to see the flop in addition:

cash_hand_player_statistics.id_hand in (SELECT chps.id_hand from cash_hand_player_statistics chps, cash_limit cl where not(chps.flg_hero) and chps.id_limit = cl.id_limit and (chps.amt_p_effective_stack / cl.amt_bb) >= 100 and chps.flg_vpip and chps.flg_f_saw)

and you can change the 100 as you desire. Note that with this particular definition it is possible for the big stack to get out of the hand fairly early without having committed a lot to the pot.
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Re: PT4 HUD in front of stack sizes!

Postby goktrenks » Thu Apr 30, 2015 12:27 pm

Thanks for the reply,that helped me.

Is there a stat for the percentage of time someone check fold the flop after being the preflop aggressor?Like,utg opens,hero on BTN calls.Flop comes xxx.UTG check and folds when BTN bets.Is there any stat for that?

Also,is there any stat for the inverse of it?For example,imagine we're now UTG.We open UTG,BTN calls.What's the stat for the frequency that BTN stabs after we checked being the preflop aggressor?
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Re: PT4 HUD in front of stack sizes!

Postby kraada » Thu Apr 30, 2015 4:17 pm

That's Fold to Flop Float Bet and Float Flop respectively.
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Re: PT4 HUD in front of stack sizes!

Postby goktrenks » Sun May 03, 2015 11:21 am


Can you give some explanation about 4bet+ ratio and 5bet+ preflop?

Also,what is a high/low percentage for WWSF?And about WTSD?
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Re: PT4 HUD in front of stack sizes!

Postby Flag_Hippo » Sun May 03, 2015 4:09 pm

goktrenks wrote:Can you give some explanation about 4bet+ ratio and 5bet+ preflop?

4bet+ ratio shows the percentage of hands a player is 4+ betting and is calculated by multiplying 4bet+% with PFR%.
5bet+ preflop is how often a players 5bets+ preflop given the opportunity.

For your information you can use the "Configure -> Statistics" menu option in PokerTracker 4 to view descriptions and formulas for all the statistics. To find the stat you want use the "Search" function in the Statistics window. Once the statistic is selected you can view a description and formula for it on the "Details" tab.

goktrenks wrote:Also,what is a high/low percentage for WWSF?And about WTSD?

This will vary depending on the game/stakes/table size. For some more information on typical ranges for these stats you can refer to these tutorial videos:

Video: Won When Saw Flop (WWSF)

Video: Went to Showdown (WTSD)
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Re: PT4 HUD in front of stack sizes!

Postby goktrenks » Wed May 06, 2015 2:06 pm

Flag_Hippo wrote:
goktrenks wrote:Can you give some explanation about 4bet+ ratio and 5bet+ preflop?

4bet+ ratio shows the percentage of hands a player is 4+ betting and is calculated by multiplying 4bet+% with PFR%.
5bet+ preflop is how often a players 5bets+ preflop given the opportunity.

For your information you can use the "Configure -> Statistics" menu option in PokerTracker 4 to view descriptions and formulas for all the statistics. To find the stat you want use the "Search" function in the Statistics window. Once the statistic is selected you can view a description and formula for it on the "Details" tab.

goktrenks wrote:Also,what is a high/low percentage for WWSF?And about WTSD?

This will vary depending on the game/stakes/table size. For some more information on typical ranges for these stats you can refer to these tutorial videos:

Video: Won When Saw Flop (WWSF)

Video: Went to Showdown (WTSD)

That definition book for stats was veeeeery useful.I'll check those videos too,thanks a lot.

BTW I was looking for Fold to Turn Float Bet in 3Bet+ Pot on my hud but couldn't find it.Is there a stat for it,or I need to create a custom one?
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Re: PT4 HUD in front of stack sizes!

Postby kraada » Wed May 06, 2015 2:44 pm

That stat is not in our default set and you would need to build it as a custom stat.
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Re: PT4 HUD in front of stack sizes!

Postby goktrenks » Sun May 10, 2015 9:23 am

How can I do it then?

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