Spin n Go prizepool distribution

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Spin n Go prizepool distribution

Postby FCDplayer » Sun Mar 29, 2015 10:33 am

How can I see prizepool distribution(how many tables I hit particular multipliers)? If there isn't a default option, is that possible to implement stat showing that?

Thanks for quick answere.
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Re: Spin n Go prizepool distribution

Postby WhiteRider » Sun Mar 29, 2015 12:01 pm

There isn't a multiplier stat, but you can download a "Prize pool" stat from the Download Warehouse, and you could build a multiplier stat using that same information if you prefer.

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Re: Spin n Go prizepool distribution

Postby Velniai » Mon Apr 27, 2015 1:23 pm

i Have imported that stat , but for Full Tilt Poker hand histories it doesnt show prize pool correctly
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Re: Spin n Go prizepool distribution

Postby kraada » Mon Apr 27, 2015 3:44 pm

Please send us a hand history and tournament summary not working properly for you to us via our support system and we'll investigate further for you.
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Re: Spin n Go prizepool distribution

Postby Antimeht » Thu May 07, 2015 6:36 am

I share my multiplier stat, check this https://www.pokertracker.com/custom/dow ... ol.pt4stat
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Re: Spin n Go prizepool distribution

Postby NoDwarf » Tue May 26, 2015 4:23 pm

the multiplier works fine so far and I understand the mechanics behind it but sometimes the prizepool isn't tracked properly and it shows a 3x (2.79 in numbers).
So it seems PT4 can't determine the prizepool and starts to add the buy-ins instead of actually looking up the real prize pool.
I had this problem with my spins before where about 60 of 800 spins showed a 3x but after setting up a new db everything worked fine.
I just played 3 spins a few minutes ago to test this stat and I have the same problem again..
2 spins are tracked correctly but one isn't.
the spin & go was only 3 minutes long a I got 3rd and it was for a $2 prizepool.

Something I can do right there?
I get my hands while playing and this should be part of the problem I guess..

Thanks in advance :)
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Re: Spin n Go prizepool distribution

Postby kraada » Tue May 26, 2015 4:52 pm

Do you have the tournament summaries set to save and PT4 importing them properly?
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Re: Spin n Go prizepool distribution

Postby NoDwarf » Tue May 26, 2015 5:17 pm

I guess so..I adjusted my settings all day long til perfection and everything else is just working fine.
I am working with PT4 since 1 month and never had a problem before.
I played 15 tournaments so far and 13 are displayed just fine but 2 aren't.
Those two are 3rd place losses btw.
I tried to reimport the summaries and HH but it didn't change anything.
If it doesn't work in the end it won't kill me but I do really like this stat.
Im just very curious what could cause this trouble.

I set up a new db, took all the hands out of my archive my other db also has and everything is fine there, so PT4 seems to get confused with the summaries while playing..
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Re: Spin n Go prizepool distribution

Postby Antimeht » Tue May 26, 2015 8:52 pm

Hello, dude! I can help u with this problem. Please, open PGAdmin, open ur database and this table http://f5.s.qip.ru/rg8it34n.png , find wrong prize pool: http://f5.s.qip.ru/rg8it34o.png , see tornament summary of this tourn: http://f6.s.qip.ru/rg8it34p.png and manually fix prize pool: http://f6.s.qip.ru/rg8it34q.png then find next wrong prize pool. U can sort tournaments by prize pool for easily work. And u can import my stat 'multiplier' from warehouse: https://www.pokertracker.com/sites/file ... er.pt4stat

PokerTracker programmers will fix this problem soon.
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Re: Spin n Go prizepool distribution

Postby WhiteRider » Wed May 27, 2015 3:48 am

We have (as Antimeht suggests) recently found a problem which can sometimes cause the prize pool to not be set correctly for Spin & Go tournaments and I expect this to be fixed in the next release.
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