Hello guys. I have a realy big problem, i need help from you. Im playing for 5 years now this random generator called stuff on ps, but now im finnaly willing to fucking die, to make complete what i want analyze. 15k tournaments HH should be okey, mostly sit and goes. Why Isai Scheinberg sell his bilion dolar company, that making him millions of dolars per day, with his son working there few months latter? I know you adviced some reports to the guys here, that i tried to copy it in ''Reports'' window in PT, but the hands doesnt show up. I begging you, i give money if you can programme those unknowed villian ranges for me, and tell me exactly step by step how should i add them and filter report in PT to make the hands i wanna see work. If you are not corrupted with them, i hope you will help and maybe i will be the first one who fucking take a look on it, because i bet nobody was able to do, when you need programme skills to do mannualy those reports and im not a programmer. No data on all fucking internet to verify, if someone did the statistics after 15 years of online poker, just lot of bulshiting around variance and those stuffs. But im not blind in this bussines for 5 years at tables i know, when somethinks wrong. I want from you to do me 5 reports that i want take a look, tell me how to put it there and make it work please!
1. bigger Ax vs Ax( probably must do it twice for suited/unsuited cards to see currect %)
2. overpair vs Ax (x lower than the pair value, for make in it more clear, without fliping)
3. floped sets (how can i make report showing all villian/my pairs making sets vs not making sets, i guand compare them for currect %?)
4. bigger pair vs smaller pair -(% of small pair win, by making set. Dont care about random run-outs as straifhts flushis, but we can than do it too)
5. flush draws (again all villian/my flushdraws from flop street-river and % of completing to the river, dont know if it must be with all-in eqiuty spots or not) - i know you have this in leaktracker, but its only on cg i want tournaments.
After this reports, i just take a look on difference between these situations occurred x hands analyzed, which give me percentages i want and compare them with standart outs to see result.
Also can ask if i can somehow fillter by VPIP PFR WSD stats bad players, that i was playing with and compare just them x me hands.