Error in Position Stats?

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Error in Position Stats?

Postby Galaxy » Wed Jan 30, 2008 3:30 pm

I imported 197 $3/$6 hands without errors into PT3.
In the position stats for positions button, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 the "amount won without blinds" is N/A (which is correct).
In the positions 1, 2, the "amount won without blinds" field shows a value which is higher then the value in the "amount won" field. The "Amount Blind" field for these positions show $3.00.
Checking the field CCPF in the window "position hands" for the above positions clearly shows that I never posted blinds in this positions.

Or do this two fields mean something different?
Does the "blind" field in the "position hands" window mean to put money in the pot as small/big blind (the hint says "number of times in big or small blind") and the "Amount Blind" field in the "Position Statistics" window (the hint says "Total amount of money posted as blind") means to post a blind (e.g. after entering the table) at the selected position (and not necessarily to be the blind)? In this case only the field name/hint is misleading. What is your intention?
I am not sure, but it is possible that I post blinds for 2 hands in the choosen hand histories when I entered the table. If this ones are included in the
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Re: Error in Position Stats?

Postby APerfect10 » Wed Jan 30, 2008 3:48 pm

The Amount Blind is the total amount of money posted as the small, big, or dead blind. Obviously you will only be posting the SB and BB in that position. The other positions, such as 1 or 2 off the button you are posting dead blinds.

Therefore the "Without Blind" field represents the total amount of money that you would have won if you were not required to post the small, big, or dead blinds.

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Re: Error in Position Stats?

Postby Galaxy » Wed Jan 30, 2008 4:31 pm

OK, that means the Amount Blind field (in the Position Stats window) includes the dead blinds and the Blind field (in the Position Hands window) does not?
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Re: Error in Position Stats?

Postby APerfect10 » Wed Jan 30, 2008 4:36 pm

Ok, I see what you are saying now. You are correct, that is not currently displaying that information although it should be IMHO. We will get that corrected.

Thank you. :)

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Re: Error in Position Stats?

Postby Galaxy » Wed Jan 30, 2008 5:41 pm

Sorry for not describing it a little bit confusing ;)

In general I think the colums "Amount Blind" and "Blind" maybe useful, but the column "Without Blind" isn't really.
Asume the following situation:
You are Big Blind (e.g. $10) get AA and loose the hand (e.g. loosing $100). In this situation it makes no sense to say that without being BB you only would have lost $90. You would have put in the first $10 anyway independent of being BB or not.
But this is not for discussion here.
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