PT3 HUD-playing around

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PT3 HUD-playing around

Postby Nuck » Mon May 26, 2008 9:33 pm

I am trying to use pt3 hud today since there are problems with pt2 hud. Anyone know how to keep the table average stats on the table(VIP/PFR) like in pt2 hud? What about my own stats per table...they show up and later vanish. Thx.
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Re: PT3 HUD-playing around

Postby kraada » Mon May 26, 2008 10:35 pm

You can create a group that has table averages (go to the groups tab, create a new group, play with the options).

There are known issues with Hero stats appearing and disappearing. This issue will be resolved in Build 3 which should be released in the next few days.
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