when is the next release?

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when is the next release?

Postby tamuet01 » Wed May 28, 2008 4:25 pm

The date has been moved back a few times, eagerly awaiting.
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Re: when is the next release?

Postby gspeers » Wed May 28, 2008 7:57 pm

At this point I am thinking never. First it was in a few days, then it was by the weekend, then it was early next week. Now they don't say a word . . . but they still that all this great stuff is coming in some unspecified future release. My guess is that they are over their head and either don't know it, or they realize it but don't have the integrity to say it.
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Re: when is the next release?

Postby oracle3001 » Wed May 28, 2008 8:16 pm

I think you are been extremely harsh and your comments aren't really very helpful. The guys behind PT3 aren't just some new start up, they have been developing PT and PAHUD for years now. During this time they have provided support that is widely recognised as about the best about in the poker software world, and continued to update and patch their existing products for no extra money.

PT3 is a step to the next generation of poker software and an extremely exciting development. If you look at their nearest competition, they have been "developing" their product for months since the commercial release, and still don't have a stable and lag free HUD, amongst a whole range of other problems.

If all the main issues surrounding the HUD and other minor bugs sorted in the next few days, they will have leapfrogged the other product and we will all have a fantastic product. Then I would expect that the PT guys will have lots of time to realise all the new features that have been promised as well any people think will be useful. Personally, if it take a week or two to get the product absolutely nailed it is a small price to pay for a bit of pain.
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Re: when is the next release?

Postby RSDallas » Wed May 28, 2008 9:20 pm

Well said, oracle. People are pretty short sighted around here.
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Re: when is the next release?

Postby 0524432 » Wed May 28, 2008 9:53 pm

as hard as they've worked to get it this far....until the next rebuild to fix the HUD crashing...PT3 is useless as a realtime poker analysis software...mod srsly wtf is the deal?
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Re: when is the next release?

Postby tamuet01 » Wed May 28, 2008 9:57 pm

I'm not upset or frustrated, I would just like to know when the next build is coming. I can't play at stars right now, b/c the HUD doesnt display accurate stats on half the people at the table. So I play mostly FTP right now. Im not angry or anything, but a estimate that is accurate on when the next build is coming out would be nice. I agree that PT2/PAHUD, and their support has been the best software around for the last few years. Their support is 2nd to none. Thats why I bought PT3 without any hesitation. I can also empathize with those that feel the vague statements on when all these new features / next build are coming our is getting a little old.

Please, just give us an accurate assesment on when the next build will come out. This stuff helps me pay my bills and it's really important to me.
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Re: when is the next release?

Postby kraada » Thu May 29, 2008 11:49 am

I have seen the latest alpha which fixes most of the major issues. There are still a few things to work out, though, and I am confident that they will be fixed very soon. I don't think anybody wants to see a prematurely released Build 3 that creates as many issues as it resolves.
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