Knockout TOurneys

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Knockout TOurneys

Postby dj11 » Fri May 30, 2008 9:34 pm

Not really a bug, perhaps an oversight.

At FT, my tourney results enter fine without me doing anything, but they don't reflect, or add any bounties I received. While not a difficult thing to amend the results, I would prefer to see either an extra column, for added monies (i.e. added money private tourneys, or knockout bounties, or bounties on specific players like site pros), or the additional money added to the win total. Ideally in the latter case, there would be some way to note that the amount shown was different than the original standard payout structure.

Perhaps even decreasing the entry fee for each bounty, but again it would want some note that things were not standard. This could on occasion even result in a negative number, so I'm not sure anyone would really want to go that route.

I'd be happy to supply a FT tourney summary where there were knockout bounties received.

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Joined: Sat Jan 26, 2008 3:27 pm

Re: Knockout TOurneys

Postby WhiteRider » Sat May 31, 2008 4:18 am

There are plans to add "extra winnings" options at some point in the future. To make sure your suggestion for this part of it is considered, please create a ticket on the Support system and attach a couple of summaries as you suggest. Thanks.
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