I use the auto-import on everest without any problems. on FullTilt poker I get a lot of Access Violations.
I don't know if it's a bug or if I didn't correctly configure something.
example in the Import Status:
2008/05/29 23:43:11: Access violation(Line #239)
2008/05/29 23:43:11: Full Tilt: Hand Imported (#6618902911)
2008/05/29 23:43:21: Access violation(Line #411)
2008/05/29 23:43:22: Full Tilt: Hand Imported (#6618901408)
2008/05/29 23:43:48: Access violation(Line #280)
2008/05/29 23:43:49: Full Tilt: Hand Imported (#6618913513)
2008/05/29 23:44:17: Access violation(Line #321)
2008/05/29 23:44:17: Full Tilt: Hand Imported (#6618921026)
2008/05/29 23:44:32: Full Tilt: Hand Imported (#6618915734)
2008/05/29 23:44:48: Access violation(Line #360)