Pokerstars client freezing when refreshing...

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Pokerstars client freezing when refreshing...

Postby charloscarlies » Sat May 31, 2008 6:14 pm

Ughh...this has been the most annoying problem so far. Every time I go to refresh my stats in the middle of a session, PT3 freezes for 5-10 seconds and I can't click anything on my tables. It's been timing me out left and right which is annoying as all hell as you can imagine. For what it's worth, it refreshes and loads my db pretty quickly when I'm not playing.

I originally thought it might be just a problem w/ my old DB, so I completely uninstalled postgres and started from scratch w/ a blank DB. The problem didn't change and my new DB isn't exactly very big. I also can't imagine this being a hardware problem since I'm running 2gb of ram, an older X2 AMD (should be sufficient), and a 10k rpm hard drive.
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Re: Pokerstars client freezing when refreshing...

Postby WhiteRider » Sun Jun 01, 2008 4:32 am

For the next build the HUD is separated from the main process, so you shouldn't see this same level of interference.
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