"duplicates" when datamining FTP

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Re: "duplicates" when datamining FTP

Postby jmre » Sun Jun 01, 2008 3:29 am

i don't know if this helps but it could be importing old hands that spade eye saved in your HH folder...

what i did is open spade eye and have it save ITS HH files to a different location..

because Full Tilt is saving the HH in your HH folder and spade eye is all so saving them in its designated folder (your Full Tilt folder if you haven't assigned one...aka default)

in spade eye obv..
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Re: "duplicates" when datamining FTP

Postby WhiteRider » Sun Jun 01, 2008 4:53 am

sirtoffel wrote:on another note, my PT3 isnt moving the processed files from PT3 although ive set it correctly to do so. Wtf?

The files will only be moved when you stop auto import, and only files which have been completely imported will be moved.
You need to start auto import and let it complete - i.e. wait for all the counts to finish increasing. Best to do this with no tables open or new hands will be written all the time and it won't catch up properly.
If you have a lot of old hands, then you should do a manual import on this folder, then move the files manually.
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