Division by zero

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Division by zero

Postby Siegmund » Sun Jun 01, 2008 1:38 am

Not sure if everyone considers this a bug, but I certainly do:

Aggression Factor is correctly shown as NA when it is 0/0 and Infinity when it is n/0. Almost all the other statistics (aggression frequency, attempt to steal, etc) are incorrectly show 0/0 as 0%. I don't really care whether they say NA or -- or whatever... but I DO care that "no data" and "he's had the chance but never done it" need to look different.

I would hope this is a simple one-line fix, since the code obviously has SOME kind of division-by-zero error trapping in place already, that is substituting in the incorrect 0.
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Re: Division by zero

Postby Josh » Sun Jun 01, 2008 11:14 am

It's not a simple one-line fix, but it's on my list of things to fix.
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