So I requested a bunch of old hand histories from stars to try and make my DB more complete and I did a mass import of all 6k tournies I have ever played at stars and it takes really long to import (which is fine) and appears to import everything without errors.
Among these 6k tourneys, were a bunch from 2003 and 2004 up until now but in my DB there are barely any tournaments before 2007 and like I said in the title it should be over 6k tourneys and under my General summary it says it only has 1600.
So I try to manually load a .txt from stars that has a bunch of tourneys/hands from 03/04 and every single hand Ptracker is telling me is a duplicate even though I cannot find these tournaments anywhere in my DB.
I have ZERO filters running and I have double checked this so what could be the issue here?