Beta 12 problems + discount from PT2/PAH

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Beta 12 problems + discount from PT2/PAH

Postby jayloo87 » Mon Jun 02, 2008 9:12 am

Hey there,

Even though I have only been using PT2 for less than 6 months I found it to be an excellent piece of software. My computer lags like hell with PT2 with 12 tabling. This lag occurs everytime PT imports hands. With PT3 build 2 the imports have been a lot faster but the HUD crashing is just unbearable. Now with beta 12, I get the same crashing with HUD but this time with a different error message. Is this a common known error for beta 2 or is it just my computer? I am using vista btw.

OT : atm I can get a 40% discount for PT3 which expires on the 11th of June. I really want to purchase PT3 but would like to make sure it works perfectly on my PC before I get it. Is it possible to get an extension for the 40% discount?
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Re: Beta 12 problems + discount from PT2/PAH

Postby Josh » Tue Jun 03, 2008 11:58 am

What is the error message you are getting now?

As for your discount, send me a PM.
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