HUD is slow to come up, doesn't come up for all players

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HUD is slow to come up, doesn't come up for all players

Postby pleno1 » Sun Feb 28, 2016 11:09 pm


I recently imported a large number of hands into my database that I played previously. I also updated my HUD a little bit.

Now when I start a session it is very slow for the HUD to come up at all tables, often it doesn't come up at around 50% of tables and when it does it only comes up for around 30-80% of the players.

When I try to click a pop up during a hand, or even afterwards in a session review it takes forever for the popup to come up (too long to wait) and I can't use it.

Any idea what the problem is here? Is my database simply too big? Any quick fixes here?

Thanks in advance.
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Re: HUD is slow to come up, doesn't come up for all players

Postby WhiteRider » Mon Feb 29, 2016 3:53 am

It's possible that the database needs some maintenance. Go to Database > Database Management, and the first thing I'd try is Housekeeping > Reindex. If that doesn't help try Rebuild Cache > Full Cache rebuild - be prepared for this to take a considerable amount of time if you have a large database, so you'll want to run it when you're not using PT4 for a while (such as overnight maybe). Make sure that your computer does not power itself off or go to sleep while it's running or you will need to run it again from the start.
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Re: HUD is slow to come up, doesn't come up for all players

Postby pleno1 » Tue Mar 01, 2016 1:20 pm


i did this, now it wont import hands..
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Re: HUD is slow to come up, doesn't come up for all players

Postby pleno1 » Tue Mar 01, 2016 1:37 pm

when i press "stop getting hands" it freezes and doesn't give me option to get hands again.
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Re: HUD is slow to come up, doesn't come up for all players

Postby pleno1 » Tue Mar 01, 2016 1:53 pm

so infuriating, cannot play today because of this huge mess.

its imported randomly 3 hands on 888 out of 1000s of hands over 4/5 sites.

so infuriating how bad pt4 is these days, always breaking. just want a basic model that works fine and simply, it surely cant be this hard.
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Re: HUD is slow to come up, doesn't come up for all players

Postby kraada » Tue Mar 01, 2016 4:02 pm

Please try downgrading to 4.10.8, available here, then run Tools -> Setup Assistant -> Setup Sites (just click next through the entire process) and once that's done let me know if that version works better for you.
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Re: HUD is slow to come up, doesn't come up for all players

Postby pleno1 » Tue Mar 01, 2016 10:24 pm

works well now, but pop ups are really slow, what do you suggest? :)
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Re: HUD is slow to come up, doesn't come up for all players

Postby kraada » Wed Mar 02, 2016 8:31 am

Try rebuilding your custom cache in Database -> Database Management and that may help.
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