How to filter Final Tables and ITM MTTs

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Re: How to filter Final Tables and ITM MTTs

Postby sasieightynine » Wed Jun 01, 2016 3:32 am

sasieightynine wrote:I'm using this for filtering out FT hands in reports. " NOT ((tourney_results.val_finish > 9) OR ((tourney_results.val_finish between 7 AND 9) AND (tourney_hand_player_statistics.cnt_players < 7))) " This filters out every hand when hero finishing 10th+ and also when hero is finishing between 7th and 9th but have not knocked out on the final table.

It's not working the way I expected so I've tried to create a more detailed expression filter:

tourney_hand_player_statistics.id_hand in (
SELECT id_hand, SUM(amt_before)
FROM tourney_hand_player_statistics
WHERE id_player = id_player
GROUP BY id_hand
HAVING SUM(amt_before) = (tourney_summary.cnt_players * 1500))

Why is it not working? (Expression is not valid)
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Re: How to filter Final Tables and ITM MTTs

Postby kraada » Wed Jun 01, 2016 8:28 am

Unfortunately I don't think this method of counting up the total chips in the tournament is going to work because of the way the joins and grouping need to work. I'll see what I can work up for you.
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Re: How to filter Final Tables and ITM MTTs

Postby sasieightynine » Wed Jun 01, 2016 12:22 pm

kraada wrote:Unfortunately I don't think this method of counting up the total chips in the tournament is going to work because of the way the joins and grouping need to work. I'll see what I can work up for you.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: How to filter Final Tables and ITM MTTs

Postby sasieightynine » Sun Jun 05, 2016 5:24 am

Ok I feel like I'm getting closer:

SELECT tn.id_hand
(SELECT id_hand, thps.id_tourney, ts.cnt_players, SUM(amt_before)
FROM tourney_hand_player_statistics thps
JOIN tourney_summary ts
ON thps.id_tourney = ts.id_tourney
GROUP BY id_hand, thps.id_tourney, ts.cnt_players
HAVING SUM(amt_before) = ts.cnt_players * 1500
ORDER BY id_hand) tn

It gives me the correct hand id's when I run it from pgAdmin query tool. But when I paste it to PT4 as expression filter as:

tourney_hand_player_statistics.id_hand in (
SELECT tn.id_hand
FROM (SELECT id_hand, thps.id_tourney, ts.cnt_players, SUM(amt_before)
FROM tourney_hand_player_statistics thps
JOIN tourney_summary ts
ON thps.id_tourney = ts.id_tourney
GROUP BY id_hand, thps.id_tourney, ts.cnt_players
HAVING SUM(amt_before) = ts.cnt_players * 1500
ORDER BY id_hand) tn

I can save it but it gives me nothing at all when the query has finished. Any idea?
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Re: How to filter Final Tables and ITM MTTs

Postby BillGatesIII » Sun Jun 05, 2016 7:18 am

    I've gazed at your SQL for a couple of minutes and don't understand what you're trying to achieve :?

    Let's take one step back if you don't mind. Why is this filter not working for you?
    kraada wrote:If you just want final tables you could use a much simpler filter - the ITM part is what is complicated.

    For final tables you could filter on MTT and then add this filter expression:

    tourney_results.val_finish between 1 and 9
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    Re: How to filter Final Tables and ITM MTTs

    Postby sasieightynine » Sun Jun 05, 2016 7:33 am

    BillGatesIII wrote:
      I've gazed at your SQL for a couple of minutes and don't understand what you're trying to achieve :?

      Let's take one step back if you don't mind. Why is this filter not working for you?
      kraada wrote:If you just want final tables you could use a much simpler filter - the ITM part is what is complicated.

      For final tables you could filter on MTT and then add this filter expression:

      tourney_results.val_finish between 1 and 9

      It's not working because it gives me all the hands of the tournaments not just the ones that were played on the final table. So I thought I could try to filter for hands with all the chips of the tournament in play. I need hands specifically those were played on the final table. I know the topic title is a bit different but why create a whole new topic when this one is quite similar to what i want to achieve.
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      Re: How to filter Final Tables and ITM MTTs

      Postby BillGatesIII » Sun Jun 05, 2016 8:45 am

        I still don't get it. If you finish between 1 and 9, you have to be at the final table. Assuming we are talking about nine handed MTTs.

        So this filter should work.
        filter on MTT (normal Filter Type)

        tourney_results.val_finish between 1 and 9 (Expression Filter)

        At least it does when I create a Hands report and put in those two filters.

        So I'm curious why it doesn't work for you, before digging into something much more complicated :)
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        Re: How to filter Final Tables and ITM MTTs

        Postby sasieightynine » Sun Jun 05, 2016 8:59 am

        BillGatesIII wrote:
          I still don't get it. If you finish between 1 and 9, you have to be at the final table. Assuming we are talking about nine handed MTTs.

          So this filter should work.
          filter on MTT (normal Filter Type)

          tourney_results.val_finish between 1 and 9 (Expression Filter)

          At least it does when I create a Hands report and put in those two filters.

          So I'm curious why it doesn't work for you, before digging into something much more complicated :)

          Ok, lets make this simple. I have a test database which contains one 45-man 5-table SNG, which I have won, this SNG has 161 hands that I have been dealt in, and there are 78 hands that I have played at the final table. Now when I create a report with this filter "tourney_results.val_finish between 1 and 9" . The report still shows all the 161 hands in the report not just the 78 FT hands that I want to filter. The columns in the report are: Player, Hands, Tournaments, Chips Won, Chips All-in adj.
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          Re: How to filter Final Tables and ITM MTTs

          Postby sasieightynine » Sun Jun 05, 2016 9:07 am

          When I run this from pgAdmin query tool:

          SELECT id_hand, thps.id_tourney, ts.cnt_players, SUM(amt_before)
          FROM tourney_hand_player_statistics thps
          JOIN tourney_summary ts
          ON thps.id_tourney = ts.id_tourney
          GROUP BY id_hand, thps.id_tourney, ts.cnt_players
          HAVING SUM(amt_before) = ts.cnt_players * 1500
          ORDER BY id_hand) tn

          It gives me exactly what I need, the last 78 hands that were played on the final table:


          But it gives me nothing when I try to run it from PT4 with a subquery like posted a few posts above earlier.
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          Re: How to filter Final Tables and ITM MTTs

          Postby BillGatesIII » Sun Jun 05, 2016 5:18 pm

            There is a known bug in the PT4 Filter Expression parser which messes things up if there is a Group By in the subquery and some other filter is used, I guess therefore your report will not work.

            And I finally got it why using val_finish doesn't work, my bad, sorry for that. It will of course return all hands of the tourneys you finished in the top 9 and not only the final table hands :roll:

            The good thing is I got a SQL statement that will give you the final table hands of any tourney that starts with 1500 chips.

            Code: Select all
            tourney_hand_player_statistics.id_hand in (
              select id_hand
              from (   
                select distinct
                 ,sum(thps.amt_before) over (partition by thps.id_hand) = (ts.cnt_players * 1500) as ft
                from tourney_hand_player_statistics as thps
                join tourney_summary as ts on ts.id_tourney = thps.id_tourney) as mtt
              where mtt.ft)

            The irritating thing is that I created a much more beautiful piece of SQL that should work for any starting stack but the parser doesn't like it :|
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