Select the hand that matches...

Questions and discussion about PokerTracker 4 for Windows

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Re: Select the hand that matches...

Postby carlmellor » Tue May 03, 2016 7:36 am

So your just telling me tough luck?

No wonder people are still so reluctant to leave AmayaTurboRakeStars when they cant get their PT4 to bloody work properly on other sites, I.e IPOKER (through absolutely no fault of their own).

1) OP 'Match Hand' message is from September 2013!!!!!!!!!!!!! - over 2.5 years and you've never fixed it!!!!!!!!!!!!
2) 8 or 9 seater tables. I'm pretty sure your could write a simple little piece of code or script to loop through the no of seats and assign it as 8 seater, 9 seater, 6 seater etc.

As in: (loop it 3 times before assigning Table Size)
Read no of seats
Stored no of seats = not of seats
If no of seats = Stored no of seats
Then assign Table Size = Stored no of seats.
Stored not of seats = 0
'seats don't match'
Start original loop again or Exit
End If

(or get IPOKER to SIMPLY add the NO OF SEATS PER TABLE to HH's, have you even bothered to ever ask them to do this?).

You're obviously well aware of these 2 problems as they haven't been resolved for over 2.5 years!!!!!!!!!!!

Your 2 line 'we couldn't care less' response to my 2 questions leaves me absolutely flabbergasted.

Your telling me that this is not your (PT4's) problem when clearly it is.

You advertise your product as working on IPOKER. This is obviously very misleading information. This should not be a hit or miss situation. If you advertise it as working then it should work 100%, (proper software testing would/should adhere to this fact).

If this is not the case then you should clearly state that people will face problems running it on IPOKER and that the platform is not stable.

Is this really how treat your customers?
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Re: Select the hand that matches...

Postby carlmellor » Tue May 03, 2016 8:50 am

ID 7055836586 in image 1
clearly matches GAME #7055836586 min image 2

No amiguity.

Run some code to match ID against GAME #

What seems to be the difficulty?
Betfair HUD problem.jpg
Betfair HUD problem2.jpg
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Re: Select the hand that matches...

Postby kraada » Tue May 03, 2016 12:24 pm

Were you playing at other tables at the time? That plays a role too - we look at all open windows and have to decide between them. If you had only one table open or the other table had a different game number, please open a support ticket so that we can get this information to the appropriate developer.
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Re: Select the hand that matches...

Postby acrx963 » Thu May 12, 2016 10:01 am

Confirming this problem on Betfair (iPoker Network). Every two minutes the table select pop-up comes up which is interrupting my game. Hand details show clearly different game IDs. Therefore I don't understand how PokerTracker cannot recognize which HUD goes to each table.. This should be a fixed issue in 2016, no? Would really appreciate it the dev team can take a closer look at this and provide an update.
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Re: Select the hand that matches...

Postby kraada » Thu May 12, 2016 10:22 am

Please submit your information to us via our support system as well - more data helps and we can make sure you're kept up to date on the issue.
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Re: Select the hand that matches...

Postby acrx963 » Sat May 14, 2016 2:58 pm

I already have, and received response. The issue is being forwarded to a Q/A person. As a side note, this problem also occurs when a single table is open and it happens on every game. I hope you guys can find and implement a fix soon! :spade:
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Re: Select the hand that matches...

Postby Nastroy » Wed Jun 01, 2016 5:26 pm

I have same problem with last version of TitanPoker. Have made the ticket.
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Re: Select the hand that matches...

Postby WhiteRider » Thu Jun 02, 2016 3:17 am

As far as I'm aware Titan has not yet updated to the new iPoker software, so you should revert to v4.14.8 (download here) until Titan updates to the new software.
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Re: Select the hand that matches...

Postby acrx963 » Sun Jun 05, 2016 1:12 pm

Problem persists. Latest version of Betfair poker client is installed. PokerTracker support couldn't resolve the issue. Still an ongoing problem for Betfair players :( Moved back to PokerStars until a fix is out.
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Re: Select the hand that matches...

Postby acrx963 » Tue Jun 14, 2016 8:24 am

So I got this response from PokerTracker support:

Please note that there is a difference between the beta software and the current live iPoker software. If you haven't tried uninstalling and re-downloading / installing the iPoker softare please try that.
With the new iPoker software there is still a discrepency between the information in the hand history and the table window, but in most cases that should be handled automatically (although if there are multiple tables of the same type open then the table select Hud will still be required).

If you're still having problems after reinstalling the iPoker software please attach a new set of log, hand history and screenshot so that we can investigate further.


At first I didn't understand it, but then I googled up iPoker and apparentely there is in fact a beta software with this new look, and this is where PokerTracker apparentely has problems attaching HUD to the right tables because of a "discrepency between the information in the hand history and the table window."

Now if you go to any of the iPoker sites, William Hill, Everest, Ladbrokes, Betfair, Bet365, etc. When you download their poker client software you will always get this new version. What is this "live version" Dave is talking about? Does he mean the old versions? This beta is the current live version every iPoker site offers. There are no other versions to download. How is it that PokerTracker hasn't yet adapted to the new iPoker software? If there is no fix for this, PokerTracker really should update their supported sites list, because stating there is full support is a bit misleading I think.

This issue still feels so unresolved.
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