Copy Cash auto notes to Tournament autonotes

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Copy Cash auto notes to Tournament autonotes

Postby Commentator1 » Sat Jan 25, 2014 11:08 pm

Is there a way to copy the Cash auto notes to the Tournament auto notes? When I export a Cash auto note, save it, and then export it to the Tournament auto notes, it always goes to Cash. There are so many in the Cash category that I want to use for Tournaments. Is there a ways to do this without manually doing every single one myself?

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Re: Copy Cash auto notes to Tournament autonotes

Postby kraada » Sun Jan 26, 2014 9:49 am

Unfortunately there is no way to convert those at this time.
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Re: Copy Cash auto notes to Tournament autonotes

Postby Ashalina77 » Fri Aug 26, 2016 6:41 pm

It's 2.5 years later and I have the same question. ^^
Let's hope that's enough time to have created the option!

P.S When I wrote support about it a while ago, they said there's too much a difference between cashnotes & tourney notes. I pointed out then too, that it's for the similarities, that we would like the option. I play both equally so being able to transfer the energy & time put in would be great customer care ;-)

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Re: Copy Cash auto notes to Tournament autonotes

Postby WhiteRider » Sat Aug 27, 2016 4:37 am

No, there has been no change in this regard.
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Re: Copy Cash auto notes to Tournament autonotes

Postby Ashalina77 » Sat Aug 27, 2016 9:55 am

And.... the team is working on it?
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Re: Copy Cash auto notes to Tournament autonotes

Postby WhiteRider » Sat Aug 27, 2016 10:24 am

No, there are too many differences between cash filters and tournament filters to make it practical to implement a conversion between the two. We understand that there are a lot of shared filters, but to make it handle all cases would be a huge amount of work.
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Re: Copy Cash auto notes to Tournament autonotes

Postby Ashalina77 » Sat Aug 27, 2016 3:24 pm

Thanks for your very fast answer.

I'm trying to understand. As far as I see it (which isn't technically very far lol):
- The start of a cashhand or a tournament hand is the same.
- The end of a cashhand or a tournament hand is the same. You're either busted or not. (rebuys happen after the end of the hand so shouldn't matter for tourney/cash notes difference)
- There is a set value for each BB
- There are 2 hole cards & max 3 on the board
- Within every hand, there are the same options (check/call/raise/fold)
- Antes can be specified atm in any format (didn't doublecheck this, though since there are ante-cashtables I'm assuming this.)

What I'm saying is that ultimately when taking notes on a hand, it's a note on an isolated hand, with it's variables like stacksizes etc. This can already be specified in both the tourney & the cashnotes.

It looks to me like the biggest issue is the converting of the current double setup to 1 setup.

What if there were a way to copy the basecode of either and just adapt that to suit both (add missing filters of the other format). Then it's just a matter of creating 1 new filter: MTT and/or Cash. (which can be made as a base choice (like Omaha/Holdem is atm) to add an automatic (C) and/or (T) to specify in which of the formats (or both) the note needs to appear.)

Ofcourse I realise that when using this tactic on the current Pokertracker 4, players will loose either (or both) their MTT or Tourney notes. (Anyone that reads this is very very welcome to offer any possible solutions for this!)

So maybe this is an option for PT5 or the paid version of Notetracker (like Notecaddy), which I hope is coming soon, to offer Pokertracker clients/fans the same awesome options as HEM clients get.

Life has taught me that there are always options, finding them just depends on motivation.

Thanks again,

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Re: Copy Cash auto notes to Tournament autonotes

Postby kraada » Mon Aug 29, 2016 7:58 am

The issue is on a technical level in converting a note definition file with a set of filters to the appropriate filters of the other kind. It's not a poker thing, it's a PokerTracker thing. As WhiteRider said it is doable on our end but would require quite a lot of work to get done.
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Re: Copy Cash auto notes to Tournament autonotes

Postby nherrego » Fri Sep 18, 2020 10:53 am

Isn't there a way to do this with a text editor?
Like replace "C a s h" for "T o u r n a m e n t" and maybe few other things.
Sure it will not work for all notes but would this work for simple notes?
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Re: Copy Cash auto notes to Tournament autonotes

Postby Flag_Hippo » Fri Sep 18, 2020 12:29 pm

There isn't any method to convert NoteTracker definitions from cash to tournament or vice versa and as mentioned above implementation of this in future would need to be done on the PokerTracker 4 end.
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