A case if collusion

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A case if collusion

Postby Red_Diamond » Tue May 27, 2008 3:21 am

Hello again..

Recently I found out on one of my hunting-grounds, that two well known regulars were perma-banned from the site due to collusion. I do not have the full details, however as I understand it, the network "Crypto" did some investigation work after some evidence and numerous complaints were sent in.

The rumour about one player who raised the red flag, is that he did some looking in PT-Stud, and observed a very large anomaly between player A & player B during showdowns. While in regards to everyone else, things were normal.

What I wonder, could that Whistle-Blower's PTS investigation issue just be a rumour? Is there an easy way in pt-stud to do this? If not, what sort of creative way with PTS' current features would you think could be of use to make this sort of research easier?

Thanks in advance...
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Joined: Tue May 13, 2008 3:36 am

Re: A case if collusion

Postby ptrack mike » Tue May 27, 2008 7:22 am

There is no "colusion detection" stat in PTS. The person probably just looked at basic stats and replayed hands to notice what he felt was a colusion situation.
ptrack mike
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Re: A case if collusion

Postby akiba » Fri Jun 06, 2008 2:01 pm

I heard that the player who "blew the whistle" in crypto claimed that he was able to isolate all the hands that the 2 players played together and see that they had never showed a hand down where each had to put a bet in on the river, or something like that. Could that be done? I would like to know simply how I can isolate all the hands that I have played against another player. It seems that the feature is there but when I hit the dropdown it doesn't list any other players as an option. I'm refering to the "Show Only Hands Played By" option under the "game notes" tab. I only get my own player ID listed as an option which doesn't make much sense.
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Re: A case if collusion

Postby ptrack mike » Fri Jun 06, 2008 4:11 pm

From the Help:
Show Only Hands Played By:

This dropdown lets you specify a specific alias of yours to filter by when looking at a group of hands. If you play at multiple sites it may be important to briefly look at a certain site's games without having to go to the Preferences tab to select a more permanent filter.

The feature you are referring to doesn't exist today, but I would agree that it would be useful. I'll try to add something to a future patch.
ptrack mike
Posts: 1731
Joined: Thu Feb 21, 2008 5:48 pm

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