Since rebuilding custom cache, and doing housekeeping, I've been having numerous issues with PT4. Firstly, I should mention that I've gone through all settings and nothing has changed. My hand histories are being saved to the correct folders, and PT4 is detecting these folders.
When I attempt to "get hands "( during a session or after a session), PT4 is showing in the "view import status" that these files are being detected however hands are not being imported. There are no error logs or anything indicating what the issue is. My HUD is also not appearing and I can't seem to figure out why. In addition, when I attempt to "stop getting hand" a process that at most takes 3-4 minutes, takes hours. The application isn't frozen however the process has been going on for over 4 hours now and no hands are being imported. Every time I force quit the program, the same thing occurs. Any assistance would be much appreciated.