PT4 Database Schema

Questions and discussion about PokerTracker 4 for Windows

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Re: PT4 Database Schema

Postby kraada » Sun Feb 23, 2014 10:39 am

(1, 3 & 5) Yes.

(2 & 4) I believe so but I'll have to double check to be certain.

(6) These are used in specific situations where there are missing players (like no small blind) to make sure everything is calculated properly; you shouldn't need to use them except in very rare circumstances.
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Re: PT4 Database Schema - 9 years later

Postby beninu » Sun Apr 02, 2017 5:15 am

It's been 9 years now ...

Are there still no documentation of the database schema for PT4 the same way the PT3 was documented? Even if I didi vreate the reports myself with PostgreSQL admin tools I would still need the comment fields with some sensible info about each column. If I look in the PosgreSQL database running on localhost, I only get a totally undocumented/un-commented schema, with no explanations of any of the columns in the comment section for the individual column.

To be honest I am a bit surprised that the programmers behind this massive product haven't taken the time to do a proper documentation of the database schema. Being a software developer at IBM Denmark for several years and a Web programmer and systems analyst in a large media corp. in DK as well I've made several database driven solutions both applications and webapps and never have I left one single entity, index, relation, column, database header or anything else without comprehensive documentation of it's purpose, version and debug history and even compatibility with previous versions. If this degree of documentation is somewhat telling of the general degree of documentation done by the programmers behind PT4 it seems somehow more obvious now why there are still bugs to be found after about 10 years of lifecycle for PT4 :o

Please document the complete database schema and make it less tedious for us to make our own custom built stats for our HUD and reports.

If - in contrast to my belief - you have actually already documented the complete PT4 PostgreSQL schema, I shall apologize and merely ask that you provide a link to the whereabouts of this valuable document, as I haven't been able to find it anywhere myself.

Kind regards

Beninu Andersen, DENMARK
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Re: PT4 Database Schema

Postby Flag_Hippo » Sun Apr 02, 2017 6:33 am

While we haven't published the database schema for PokerTracker 4 the PokerTracker 3 schema is still mostly valid. You can also view descriptions for the columns in PokerTracker 4 via 'Configure -> Statistics' but if there is anything specific you want to know please let us know and we would be happy to help.
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Re: PT4 Database Schema

Postby sawwee » Mon Apr 03, 2017 2:58 am

Flag_Hippo wrote:While we haven't published the database schema for PokerTracker 4 the PokerTracker 3 schema is still mostly valid. You can also view descriptions for the columns in PokerTracker 4 via 'Configure -> Statistics' but if there is anything specific you want to know please let us know and we would be happy to help.

During the past 9 years we've read promises at least 20 times saying that PT4 database schema will be published "soon". Aren't those promises valid anymore?
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Re: PT4 Database Schema

Postby Flag_Hippo » Mon Apr 03, 2017 6:15 am

I cannot make any promises with regards to the publishing of the PokerTracker 4 database schema but I will be forwarding your comments to the development team.
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Re: PT4 Database Schema

Postby _dave_ » Mon Apr 03, 2017 1:14 pm

9 years must be PT3, PT4 "only" 6 years without schema documentation, I think. Regardless, this is one of the most baffling decisions ever. Just, why?
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Re: PT4 Database Schema

Postby beninu » Thu Apr 06, 2017 8:20 am

sawwee wrote:
Flag_Hippo wrote:While we haven't published the database schema for PokerTracker 4 the PokerTracker 3 schema is still mostly valid. You can also view descriptions for the columns in PokerTracker 4 via 'Configure -> Statistics' but if there is anything specific you want to know please let us know and we would be happy to help.

During the past 9 years we've read promises at least 20 times saying that PT4 database schema will be published "soon". Aren't those promises valid anymore?

Well, I grew tired of waiting, so I took it upon myself to make a complete ordered table of all PT4 table schemas (columns), divided into each table, the same way it was done with PT3 years ago. I've published the PDF on this link:

I made it by gathering the information from the previously publishe PT3 DB Scehma for all data that was ported unaltered to PT4. All the rest of the data (apæprox. 30%) that are new I read up on in various fora, and a few of them are self explanatory, but I've made an effort to make a description of each and every column in each table in the DB4 PostgreSQL database.

This is a quite comprehensive guide of 48 pages, so I suggest you print out the guide an keep it as a reference for when you want to make custom stats, custom HUDs, reports, etc.

Feel free to download a copy if you like. I expect nothing as this is merely a comprehensive listing of all the information I've found on the otherwie undocumented PostgreSQL database schema for PT4, by diggin all sorts of places, particularly foras where the development of custom HUDs and Custom stats are discussed. Many have been most kind and answered my questions when I was in doubt about the precise scope of the data in certain columns/stats/tables/etc. and that has also been a tremendous help.

The PDF linked in this post is the result of the combined efforts mentioned above.

This is where you download the complete PDF:

I also have each of the tables as single PDF files if that has any interest. Please let me know if you're interested in these. I can make a zip-folder and make it available for download on the same webpage. Unfortunately there is no way I can attach them directly to the post, as the merged document is too large to fit within the 2MB boundary for attached documents/files. Besides they don't want files of the type PDF to be attached to your posts.

:!: :!: DISCLAIMER!! :!: :!:
I take no responsibility for erroneous copies of the database information or spelling mistakes or other errors on my part if that should lead to you getting wrong stats on your own HUD's or PopUps, reports, etc. This is a handy tool I've made for myself and it works perfectly in all the siituations I've used it. Use it or don't - I don't care, but at least now there is a way to get a complete overview of all table columns in the Database.
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Re: PT4 Database Schema

Postby 4StarGen » Thu Apr 06, 2017 2:07 pm

ty for your work, downloaded
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Re: PT4 Database Schema

Postby sawwee » Sun Apr 09, 2017 5:52 am

beninu wrote:
sawwee wrote:
Flag_Hippo wrote:While we haven't published the database schema for PokerTracker 4 the PokerTracker 3 schema is still mostly valid. You can also view descriptions for the columns in PokerTracker 4 via 'Configure -> Statistics' but if there is anything specific you want to know please let us know and we would be happy to help.

During the past 9 years we've read promises at least 20 times saying that PT4 database schema will be published "soon". Aren't those promises valid anymore?

Well, I grew tired of waiting, so I took it upon myself to make a complete ordered table of all PT4 table schemas (columns), divided into each table, the same way it was done with PT3 years ago. I've published the PDF on this link:

I made it by gathering the information from the previously publishe PT3 DB Scehma for all data that was ported unaltered to PT4. All the rest of the data (apæprox. 30%) that are new I read up on in various fora, and a few of them are self explanatory, but I've made an effort to make a description of each and every column in each table in the DB4 PostgreSQL database.

This is a quite comprehensive guide of 48 pages, so I suggest you print out the guide an keep it as a reference for when you want to make custom stats, custom HUDs, reports, etc.

Feel free to download a copy if you like. I expect nothing as this is merely a comprehensive listing of all the information I've found on the otherwie undocumented PostgreSQL database schema for PT4, by diggin all sorts of places, particularly foras where the development of custom HUDs and Custom stats are discussed. Many have been most kind and answered my questions when I was in doubt about the precise scope of the data in certain columns/stats/tables/etc. and that has also been a tremendous help.

The PDF linked in this post is the result of the combined efforts mentioned above.

This is where you download the complete PDF:

I also have each of the tables as single PDF files if that has any interest. Please let me know if you're interested in these. I can make a zip-folder and make it available for download on the same webpage. Unfortunately there is no way I can attach them directly to the post, as the merged document is too large to fit within the 2MB boundary for attached documents/files. Besides they don't want files of the type PDF to be attached to your posts.

:!: :!: DISCLAIMER!! :!: :!:
I take no responsibility for erroneous copies of the database information or spelling mistakes or other errors on my part if that should lead to you getting wrong stats on your own HUD's or PopUps, reports, etc. This is a handy tool I've made for myself and it works perfectly in all the siituations I've used it. Use it or don't - I don't care, but at least now there is a way to get a complete overview of all table columns in the Database.

You are amazing!
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Joined: Thu Dec 18, 2008 11:59 pm

Re: PT4 Database Schema

Postby PJs Ronin » Sun Apr 09, 2017 7:05 pm

Have the links ^^ been removed?
PJs Ronin
Posts: 978
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